Apr 27, 2009 | Shopping, General, Fun, Contests |
Friday, I mentioned doing some things this weekend that included shopping and the Farmer's Market. I also said something about relaxing.
Apparently, I failed to realize that all these things I wanted to do entailed going places, walking, lugging, doing things, etc. The upshot is that there was very little relaxing involved.
Though it WAS fun.
Weekend itinerary went something like this:
1. Meet friends and family at winebar Friday night. Laugh, talk, drink wine for a couple of hours.
2. Sat: wake up early, go to Starbucks for coffee and a breakfast sandwich.
3. Farmer's Market. Where Hubby proceeded to gag on goat cheese while I explained to the artisan that though his cheese was indeed excellent, my Darling Hubby just can't stand goat cheese — no matter how many herbs and spices are mixed in. I bought some, of course, and not just out of sympathy. I thought it was excellent.
4. Yard sale. It was impromptu, and no one was more surprised than I when Hubby pulled over. Unfortunately, there was nothing interesting. Except a typewriter. An actual typewriter! (Kids, see Google.)
5. Costco. Where Hubby proceeded to look grouchier and grouchier as I piled stuff into the cart. Apparently, “we need a few things” and “I haven't been shopping in a while” mean something different to him than to me. Although he perked up when we bought two whole chickens for him to put in the smoker.
6. Drop Hubby and groceries at home. Go to mall. Walk around for 3 hours, looking for things for my readers' luncheon giveaways, but only find stuff for me. Spend a very long time trying on clothes and shoes. Leave with a big shopping bag or two (in my defense, it was a SALE).
7. Back home. Grill out with Hubby.
8. Watch Blade Runner — never saw it before, very good, but I had weird dreams afterward.
10. We're up to Sunday now. (Exhausted yet?) Wake up, have breakfast and coffee at home. Play on computer for a bit.
11. We've invited my parents over for smoked chicken. This means the house, otherwise known as an official disaster area, must be cleaned and tidied. This takes a very long time, entails scrubbing and decluttering, and makes my back hurt.
12. Prepare side dishes while Hubby smokes chicken.
13. Did I mention laundry?
14. Crap, have to go to the store and get a couple of things. Most important: some live flowers to replace the dying ones on the mantel.
15. I. Am. So. Tired.
16. Dinner is practically done, parents arrive, we eat and talk and have a good time.
17. More laundry. Some wine. Bed.
Apparently, having fun is a lot of work! I'm exhausted from this weekend. Did you relax this weekend? Or did you find out, like me, that weekends can be a workout? What's your favorite thing to do to relax, or your favorite activity, during the weekend?
Monday Giveaway: Leave a comment to be entered for a copy of Jessica Anderson's Nightkeepers!
Apr 20, 2009 | Websites, Video, Contests, Blogging, Uncategorized |
Hopefully, you found your way here easily enough today. Things have changed a bit, as you can see. π My website and blog went to the salon rather frumpy and out of date and came back sleek and gorgeous. Oh if only it were that easy to do the same for me! π
Reminds me of another rather frumpy person who today, one week after she became a YouTube sensation, is a global star. Not that my website — or I — can claim to be mega-stars.
The web is abuzz, of course, with many many articles about Susan Boyle. About her appearance, our expectations, the hope and triumph, etc. I won't bother adding links because unless you've been in a cave, you've seen this stuff out there. I do like the articles that take us to task as a society, however, for not expecting this kind of pure beauty in such a rather ordinary, even — alas — mockable, appearance.
With that in mind, I offer this song of Susan's that is the only recorded song she's ever done. Made for a charity CD, of which only 1000 copies were made. Click the link, close your eyes, and tell me this isn't the voice of a sultry chanteuse. Gorgeous, gorgeous. I will most definitely be buying this woman's first album when it comes out.
Sometimes, getting a makeover is about perception. In Susan's case, it was the judges, the audience, and now the world who got the makeover.
And now back to MY makeover. Well, my site makeover. π Leave a comment to win a copy of one of my absolute favorite makeover romances of all time: Heaven, Texas by Susan Elizabeth Phillips.
Mar 27, 2009 | General, Contests, Celebrations |

Not in my book! Or at least I don't think so, which is why I'm carefully reading my proofs that came on Wednesday for CAVELLI'S LOST HEIR and making sure everything still says what I want it to say. Which is also why I failed to write a blog post for Thursday, and why this one is so short. π
The best news that happened around here in the last two days was finding out about all my friends who finaled in the Golden Heart and RITA contests! Thirteen of my 2008 Pixie sisters went on to the class of 2009 in the GH, and my dear friend and chapter mate from Heart of Dixie, Danniele Worsham, also finaled in the Short Contemporary category. Yay!!!!
You can read about Danniele's call at the Writing Playground. The party was yesterday, but I'm sure she won't get tired of reading all the congratulatory notes flowing in. π
Hope you have a great weekend! Any big plans? Mine involve the wine bar tonight, something to do with yachts tomorrow (not on a Presents scale, alas), and maybe a movie at the fancy theater where they serve alcohol and food during the flick. π
Mar 25, 2009 | Contests |
Today, RITA and Golden Heart calls go out. I am almost as excited as I was last year when I was hoping to get that call for the GH. Except this year, there's no pressure for me! I'm in transition. Not eligible for the GH because I sold, and not RITA eligible because I didn't have a book in print in 2008.
But I'm so excited and hopeful for friends, both published and unpublished. I'll be following the news on the various loops and screaming for excitement when someone I know gets the call.
However, there are inevitably going to be disappointments. And, speaking solely about the Golden Heart, please remember there is always next year, another book, etc. Or, you may sell and be ineligible. You do NOT have to final in the GH to sell. And many finalists are still waiting for their first sale. So don't put all your hopes in this one contest, please.
I've said it before, but it bears repeating. I entered 4 times before I finaled. And the book I sold to Harlequin was not my finalist. So don't get depressed, and don't give up. You can indulge in a few tears, eat some chocolate, and kick the couch. But only for a day, okay? On Thursday, get back to work. π
And if you DO final? Honey, get busy making sure that manuscript is revised and ready in case you get a request from a finals judge. And enjoy the pageantry of it all. You're gonna have a lot of fun, and you're going to bond with your fellow finalists in ways you won't believe. They'll be with you forever. π
Good luck!
Mar 24, 2009 | Winners, Rants, Contests |
Nothing frosts me more than watching someone who looks perfectly healthy, and who does NOT have a handicapped sticker, pull into a reserved parking spot. I know that people can look fine and yet have a legitimate reason to use that parking — typically, they have a sticker or something to hang from their rearview mirror. I don't automatically assume that someone who looks healthy is taking advantage. I know better because I've had family in that position.
But I still think it happens. And I think the lady who pulled into the handicapped spot at Starbucks the other day was doing just that. She had no sticker, no plate, and no placard.
She sat there for twenty minutes and talked on the phone the entire time. Not only did she talk on the phone, gesticulating and yelling, but she popped her visor down and proceeded to squeeze pimples on her face. No, I am not kidding. Unfortunately, my table was facing that spot, and each time I looked up, there she was, hollering into her phone and picking her face. It was awful.
And what did she do after she'd sat there for twenty minutes while other people had to drive around to find parking? She left and used the drive-thru. Never even came into Starbucks.
People like that give me ideas for characters, so I guess I shouldn't complain too much. But I was angry for anyone who legitimately needed that spot while she hogged it (there is only one). And absolutely stunned that someone would sit in full view of a cafe in which they could see people sitting and pick their skin. Hell, I think at one point she pulled out some tweezers and plucked hair. I'm not certain, but I think so. All while talking on her phone. Amazing, huh?
And now for much more pleasant tidings! I've employed a scientific method (scrambling names and taking mine from the mix) to arrive at my two winners: Rachael Johns and Patricia!! Please email me at contact @ lynnrayeharris dot com with addresses and your choice of prize.
$10 gift card to bookstore (Amazon, BAM, B&N),
Presents trio, selected by moi from my stash,
My debut book when it comes out, signed, along with two other Presents novels (unfortunately, you will have to wait until mid-July or so, but I'm good with that if you are!)
Congratulations to the winners! Keep checking back, because I plan to have more giveaways, especially as we get closer to my new site launch!
Mar 20, 2009 | Celebrations, Writing, Contests |
Today is the one year anniversary of the call that I'd won the Harlequin Presents Instant Seduction contest. Much has changed in the past year! Come on one over to I Heart Presents and see what I have to say about the journey. π (And get the inside scoop on the genesis of my second book.)
Leave me a comment here and I'll put you in for a drawing. Not sure what I'm giving away yet, but I promise it will be good! Perhaps I will let the winner choose…. $10 gift card to bookstore of choice? Scrumptious bath set? A trio of brand new Harlequin Presents? What would you like? (No, not a winning lottery ticket!) π
You have until Monday at midnight CDT to enter. π
Breaking News: my RED-HOT cover is up over at IHP!!!! In celebration, I'll pick TWO winners instead of one. π