Four things

I'm still feeling at loose ends, and in spite of the good advice to relax and fill the well, I find it difficult to do so. So is it any wonder I'm working on Chapter 4 even before I hear from my editor? *g*

In honor of the number four, I'm sharing four things with you. 🙂

1) A FABULOUS post from Presents author Penny Jordan on an article she read that validated many of her feelings about the stories she writes. And all I can say, having read the article and her post, is YES. This is exactly what I feel about my heroes and the stories I create (and it's as true for the romantic suspense I was writing as it is for my Presents stories).

2) Agent Nathan Bransford had a wonderful post on Thursday about the Ten Commandments for a Happy Writer. I really loved this and wanted to share!

3) The Guess the Bookshelf contest is still going on! My shelves are there, so come on over and see if you can figure it out. There are prizes!

4) Presents author Trish Morey has a free read on eHarlequin! Come read The Italian Billionaire's Bride.


You still have time to guess the desks! And no one popped up with names for an Italian hero, so I'm still thinking about that. How about some eye candy for inspiration? He could be a prince, don't you think? Works for me. DEFINITELY works for me….

Feeling inspired? Or just a bit warm? 😉

Guess the desk, name the hero!

Can you guess which desk belongs to which author? Come on over to eHarlequin and give it a try:

My desk is on there, along with the desks of Kate Walker, Holly Jacobs, Carly Phillips and Maria V. Snyder — just to name a few.

There are prizes!

Also, I finally typed The End! Except it's not done yet, of course. 🙂 But I'm always happy when I write the story to the finish. Makes it easier to go back and see what I need to revise to keep the story arcing. So, today, I'll be doing a reread and hoping I didn't take a detour somewhere along the way.

But you know, for just a little bit there, I felt like Joan Wilder. I love that scene at the beginning of Romancing the Stone when she's crying and typing and then she can't find tissue. Love the celebration with the cat. I tried to find that clip on You Tube — but they don't have it. I think some techno geeky person needs to upload it! That is the best romance writer movie ever. 🙂

Oh, provided my editor lets me get away with it, there'll be another Italian hero in the next book I write. And while I have a heroine already, I don't have him. I know who he is, but I don't have a name. Suggestions?

We have a winner!

Tami Brothers is the winner of my $25 B&N Gift Card giveaway!! Yay, Tami! Thanks to everyone who participated, and to my hubby who did the random blind pick for a winner. 🙂

Catching up

The MNF party was a success, and I was up too late (yes, watching football) and cleaning up. Therefore, no brilliant post at the moment.

Besides, you probably want to know who wins the B&N Gift Card. 🙂 I'll announce that sometime today. In the meantime, you still have time to sign up (see Yahoo Group in the sidebar). Last chance!

Just a waitin’


The Call story is coming soon over at I Heart Presents! (UPDATE: Oct 20 is the date for THE CALL story) And don't forget to sign up for my newsletter and be eligible for that $25 Barnes & Noble Gift Card. Who wouldn't want free books?!

Click to join lynnrayeharrisnews

It's been one week since The Call. What exciting things have I done? Um, started work on another book. 🙂 I have a deadline. A real one. OMG…..