Scavenge hunt text with book cover

It's here! The HOT Pursuit 10th Anniversary scavenger hunt! This is seriously easy. You can grab the e-book for FREE at your favorite retailer. Then all you gotta do is answer the questions. Keep them in a note on your phone, or download this word doc and fill it in. In a few days, I'll give you the link to a form where you can submit your answers. This is open to everyone! We are giving away TWO prizes, one for US residents and one for international residents.

Be sure to subscribe to the blog via email so you get all the updates! We will be posting bonus content for HOT Pursuit starting on July 13th. Free, downloadable, fun things for you to enjoy! Go into the sidebar and enter your email address for updates (you are NOT subscribing to a newsletter; if you wish to, that box is beneath the subscribe to the blog box). Example below:

example of subscribe box

That's it! Hope you enjoy the fun, and I can't wait to start giving you the fun things we've cooked up for Matt & Evie's 10th anniversary! Lily wishes you a happy evening of books and napping.

cat on lap