Today, RITA and Golden Heart calls go out. I am almost as excited as I was last year when I was hoping to get that call for the GH. Except this year, there's no pressure for me! I'm in transition. Not eligible for the GH because I sold, and not RITA eligible because I didn't have a book in print in 2008.

But I'm so excited and hopeful for friends, both published and unpublished. I'll be following the news on the various loops and screaming for excitement when someone I know gets the call.

However, there are inevitably going to be disappointments. And, speaking solely about the Golden Heart, please remember there is always next year, another book, etc. Or, you may sell and be ineligible. You do NOT have to final in the GH to sell. And many finalists are still waiting for their first sale. So don't put all your hopes in this one contest, please.

I've said it before, but it bears repeating. I entered 4 times before I finaled. And the book I sold to Harlequin was not my finalist. So don't get depressed, and don't give up. You can indulge in a few tears, eat some chocolate, and kick the couch. But only for a day, okay? On Thursday, get back to work. ๐Ÿ™‚

And if you DO final? Honey, get busy making sure that manuscript is revised and ready in case you get a request from a finals judge. And enjoy the pageantry of it all. You're gonna have a lot of fun, and you're going to bond with your fellow finalists in ways you won't believe. They'll be with you forever. ๐Ÿ™‚

Good luck!