Jul 14, 2023 | Uncategorized |
Today's bonus content is two campaign buttons from Matt's father. In the book, Matt Girard's dad is a state senator – and probably has been for a long, long time. But that doesn't mean he doesn't have to run for re-election! Grab yours! You can save and print, or just store digitally. Enjoy!
Button 1
Button 2
Oct 4, 2022 | Uncategorized |
OMG, y'all! It's finally here! The story that nearly did me in is LIVE! I had a heck of a time writing BLACK VELVET. Maybe because Robbie is a romance author and I know that world intimately, or maybe it was just the time of year or Mercury was in retrograde or whatever. I dunno, but I'm SO HAPPY it's done and the reviews are AMAZING.
Thanks as always to my wonderful readers who love my books, show their support, and ask for more. I couldn't do this without you. Really. I write alone, but it's your encouragement that keeps me going. I write stories because I love stories, but sharing them with you is the best part. ❤️
Want to know what readers are saying about BLACK VELVET? Here you go!
“I’ve been a fan of this author’s HOT series books since 2013 for a good reason. Lynn Raye Harris consistently delivers characters with depth, bravery, loyalty, and heart, …” – NICUNurse
“When BDI is asked to provide private security for a romance author receiving threats, I knew I would be hooked, but this one had it all. Action, adventure, intrigue, revenge, and, oh yes, sexy as hell scenes that you can't stop reading.” – Carissa
“Holy wowzers! wonders!! Another amazing addition to the Black's Bandits series.” – Jenny
You can read an excerpt here: https://lynnrayeharris.com/books/black-velvet/#read-an-excerpt
Let me know what you think!!

Sep 16, 2022 | Uncategorized |
I'm back with another signed book giveaway! This one features books by me and KaLyn Cooper. You also get some swag, and a program from the Knock Out Book Bash in Louisville, KY! If you entered the last giveaway, you'll recognize the language below. I have to repeat it every time so things are clear. Good luck!!
To make this easier on me and my lovely assistant, we're going to use Rafflecopter. LEAVE A COMMENT on this blog post, and then click over to Rafflecopter to enter. I'll double check the winning entry against the comments to see if they commented or not. You'll see a way to get a second entry once you click over. Enjoy!
Also, due to outrageous postage costs, I have to limit this one to US only. I'm so sorry, but every time I've sent international packages lately, they cost a shit ton of money, take forever to arrive, and often times get sent back to me first (meaning I have to pay AGAIN to send them). Until postage and delivery get reasonable again, I have to limit the options. I know it seems unfair. It does to me too, but I can't make postage more reasonable by myself. 😢
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Sep 2, 2022 | Uncategorized |
It's another fun giveaway!! This time, I've got TWO signed books from the Knock Out Book Bash in Louisville, KY. One book is by me and the other is by Kris Michaels! You also get a HOT totebag and some swag. How exciting, right?
To make this easier on me and my lovely assistant, we're going to use Rafflecopter. LEAVE A COMMENT on this blog post, and then click over to Rafflecopter to enter. I'll double check the winning entry against the comments to see if they commented or not. You'll see a way to get a second entry once you click over. Enjoy!
Also, due to outrageous postage costs, I have to limit this one to US only. I'm so sorry, but every time I've sent international packages lately, they cost a shit ton of money, take forever to arrive, and often times get sent back to me first (meaning I have to pay AGAIN to send them). Until postage and delivery get reasonable again, I have to limit the options. I know it seems unfair. It does to me too, but I can't make postage more reasonable by myself. 😢
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Aug 29, 2022 | Uncategorized
Grab BLACK LIST until September 3rd for FREE on Apple Books! As of this writing, Amazon has price-matched, so you can get it there too. Hurry before it goes away!!
Apple Books: apple.co/weeklyromance
Amazon: https://amzn.to/2YjCFgi
“Takes off at rocket speed and doesn’t let up until you close the book.” ~ J, Goodreads
“WARNING – these guys are addictive!” ~ T.W., Goodreads
“You've just got to love a book that keeps you up all night turning the pages and leaves you satisfied at the end…” ~ E, Goodreads
“AMAZEBALLS! Who knew you could put so much into one book?” ~ P.C., Goodreads
“Well hot diggity damn! Looks like I've got myself another smokin' hot spinoff to obsess over.” ~Dirty Girl Romance

Aug 12, 2022 | Uncategorized |
**CONTEST NOW CLOSED** The winner is Melissa Pratt. Thank you to everyone who participated.
Y'all, I had the BEST time at Knock Out Book Bash in Louisville, Kentucky, and I picked up goodies to give away! First up is a signed totebag from many of the authors at the signing. Mr. Harris took the bag around to get it signed, but he missed some authors because they were busy or I was busy and he needed to help me. Anyway, you can see it's got many of your favorites if you're a romantic suspense reader! Me, Susan Stoker, Riley Edwards, Kathleen Brooks, Elle James, KaLyn Cooper, Caitlyn O'Leary, Kris Michaels, etc.
With the tote, you'll get a copy of the autograph booklet from the signing, though it's only got my autograph in it. But there are great info pages about all the authors for you to enjoy! You also get some HOT swag from me, and my table placeholder. Plus there's a Bigfoot from Susan Stoker. Sound like something you want? Leave a comment on this post, then check back Tuesday to see if you won. That's it!

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