Jul 18, 2008 | Contests
Harlequin Mills & Boon are having another contest! This time, the category is Modern Heat. As the happy, lucky, astounded winner of the Presents contest, I can personally vouch for how fabulous it is to win an editor for a year!! It truly is the next best thing to selling the manuscript — the Call is as fabulous and wonderful and life-altering as the First Sale Call you've always imagined.
You can find all the details here. The only difference I can see this time is that you are limited to ONE entry. So make sure it's the best you can make it, the best one you have, and remember they are looking for Voice. Your words on paper (or screen) can and will be changed.
Good luck!
Jul 17, 2008 | Revising |
Once again, THE SPANISH MAGNATE'S REVENGE is going under the knife. My lovely editor has suggestions for me, which you know for a fact I'm going to try my darndest to incorporate. Of course I would have loved a phone call that said, “Perfect, wonderful, fabulous — here's a gazillion dollars!” Ha, it's called a delusion — I mean fantasy — for a reason. 🙂
No, there are things that need fixing. And I mean to fix them. So, I'll likely be scarce for the next few days. Between this, conference prep, and my silly cat who needs constant nursing and attention, I'm booked solid.
What's up with you?
Jul 16, 2008 | Conference, Pets |
I've not been a good blogger this week, but I have an excuse. My sweet little cat was spayed last week. And then she decided it'd be a good idea to try and get the stitches out a few days later. So, between vet visits and outfitting her in an E-collar and onesies, I've been busy. The little Houdini got out of the E-collar last night, but she didn't lick the incision thankfully. And the onesie is just hilarious, but she can get out of that too.
So I sit here watching a cat much closer than I'd like and obsessing about my wardrobe for conference. I did manage to do some shopping yesterday, since I had to go out and get the onesies, and today will probably be dedicated to trying things on. And slipping the onesie back on the cat.
For conference tips, check out my friend Marilyn's blog today over at the Writing Playground. Got any conference tips to share? Leave them in a comment! I can always use a good tip. 🙂
Jul 14, 2008 | Conference, Shoes, Shopping |

We're at T minus 15 for my conference departure, so the shopping/packing/planning begins in earnest starting NOW. In good news, I realized yesterday that my original GH/RITA dress does indeed FIT! Woo hoo! See, I'd thought that even though I lost the pounds necessary, there was a cup issue in the bust. Noooo, there was a correct brassiere issue. Got the right one, all is good, I shall be wafting around in a teal dress with, I hope, silver sparkly shoes (they are on order, see pic — if they don't work, I'll be shopping for something different).
Though it will no doubt horrify some people I know (PC), I've just today printed out all the confirmations of events I'm supposed to be at so I can put them in my planner. (Other people did this at least two months ago. Alas, that's not me.)
I also need to confirm my luggage restrictions. I'm on American, the cheap b*stards, but I bought my ticket before they starting charging for the first bag. Somehow, I have to get at least 6 pairs of shoes, plus a week's worth of clothes, into one suitcase. Really, romance writers heading to a conference should be given special baggage considerations. 🙂
If you're going to conference, have you planned every minute out yet? Or do you intend to wing it? Are you finished shopping? Have all your outfits planned? (Not me, but close.) If you aren't going to San Francisco this year, what sort of non-conference plans do you have? Will you be following the conference blogs, or doing one of the online mini-conferences?
Jul 11, 2008 | General, Rants |

more cat pictures
Random thoughts inspired by picture (and a few that aren't):
1. Oh if only. I am not as organized as I'd like. I haven't started my conference packing list. I haven't even considered all the clothes I will need for the various events. Editor meetings, agent meetings, a champagne reception, a retreat featuring agents and editors, etc. Yikes!
2. I bought a beautiful filing cabinet recently that I intended to organize with all my important papers, both writing and household. Uh, no, haven't done it yet. It's a purty thing, but it's disorganized as h*ll.
3. What the heck is that cat wearing?
4. How is it my husband can play World of Warcraft for three hours straight, but not be able to think of a single thing to talk to me about when he gets home from work?
5. Alabama is HOT. My yard needs rain. My sprinkler system costs too much to run on a regular basis.
6. I successfully talked the hubby out of declawing the cat at the last minute. She went for a spay only. I don't like declawing cats. I don't think it's natural and I didn't want to put her through the pain even though my vet does laser surgery. Regular trimming of nails, training to use a scratching post, and we're good to go. Besides, the cat who *really* could use his claws out is too heavy to get it done.
7. Waiting for news on submissions is HARD. Checking the mail is cringe-worthy. The relief one feels not to see a white self-addressed envelope is ridiculous.
8. I think all those people who for the last several years have been tolling the death knell of paranormal romance because it was over-saturated are WRONG. Wish I'd realized it 3 years ago. Vampires, while a bit overdone, are still appearing at an alarmingly regular rate.
9. Wish I knew what the next big trend was. Not just writing, but in general. It'd be nice to be on the leading edge of something for a change instead of running flat out crazy in an effort to catch the train.
10. What's on your mind?
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