American Idol — NOT

Okay, Jason Castro did a fair job. And he picked a great song, especially Iz's version which lots of people are probably not familiar with.

But as a former Hawaii resident, I can assure you that JC doesn't do it justice. Bruddah Iz is the BOMB! No one can do it like he did. Forget the size, the fact he isn't pretty — the man had a voice like an angel.

No, Jason Castro doesn't compare. It was pretty, but it wasn't Iz. I knew when he started singing that the judges didn't know this version as well as they should. Knew they'd give him props for it. Oh well, listen to Iz. He was THE man. He did this on one take, btw. And he threw in Louis Armstrong. Beautiful. 🙂

Aloha, Iz. You were something else, brah.

Paula Abdul is still cool

Hey, I like this video. Love it when a 40-something woman proves she's still relevant. Paula may seem flaky, may not have the pipes of a Christina Aguilera, but she's still cool. Jeez, I remember her in a Janet Jackson video from way back…

Techno Toys

Hubby seems to think I'm in need of more techno gadgets, so he bought me a 32GB iPod Touch. It's a cool toy, and I intend to watch movies on it when I fly to San Francisco this summer.

But I'm pretty sure I'm not capable of what these guys are doing. Two Touches and one thing I don't know what it is make up an iBand. Can you believe what's possible these days?

I'll just stick to playing videos on mine….