May 19, 2022 | Photos, Shopping |
Welcome to my blog! I don't post often, but I'm trying to get better. 😊 I recently posted on Facebook about my love of thrifting and the treasures I found. Today, I've collected all those posts into one place for you!
Y'all, I have a love of thrifting. I think I got it from my granny, who never drove past a thrift shop or yard sale. Make no mistake, I was NOT thrilled with thrift shop clothes back then, which is one of the things Granny loved to buy. Wearing thrift shop clothes wasn't cool then. I don't know if it's cool now or not. But I digress.
My jam these days is decor. I love heading to the thrift shop and finding things for my house. Recently, when taking a small break from the book, I went into Goodwill and found these gorgeous silk hydrangeas in the ugliest vase with ugly glass marbles. It was $4.00, so I bought it anyway. Then I found a beautiful glass vase for $5.00 in another part of the store.
Voila, Goodwill hydrangeas for a fraction of the cost. I'm in love.

This is another recent thrift store find. The price on it is $3, but I paid less than that because it was $10 fill your buggy day. I had a few dishes and candlesticks, so it was definitely cheaper than three bucks. Anyway, it's the sweetest little pie dish! And there seems to be some sort of thing where these ladies passed it around. I don't know. I'm sorry to see it end up in the thrift shop, yet I plan to take good care of it. Not sure if I'll cook with it or use it for decor yet.

More thrifting finds. When I run across tarnished silverplate, I don’t blink twice. I can fix that. First pic is a water pitcher before I cleaned it. Next is cleaned. I really, really wish I’d taken a picture of the chafing dish before. It was black. Very black. I had to soak it in hot water with aluminum foil, baking soda, and salt. Then I still had to use silver cleaner. The last one is a platter with copper inlay. Also had to soak. Total price for all three? Eighteen bucks. Never be afraid to polish.

Thanks for dropping by to check out my thrifting finds! If you came from my VIP newsletter, welcome. And if you just happened upon this post through the mysteries of the Internet, then also welcome. I write books with danger and kissing, and you can find out all about them on this site. ❤️
Best Wishes,
Oct 20, 2013 | Photos, Appearances |
This weekend, Mr. Harris and I traveled up to Nashville where I was a guest speaker in the Music City Romance Writers' mini-conference. My fellow presenters were Theresa Ragan (aka T.R. Ragan) and Julie Kagawa. Both ladies are so much fun! We had a blast. I already knew Theresa, but this was my first time meeting Julie. I had such a good time with everyone! Thanks to MCRW for inviting me up and treating me like a princess. 🙂
Here are some pictures that Mr. Harris took. I have no idea what we were laughing at, but we were having a very good time.

Oct 11, 2013 | Pets, Photos |

I love pet photos. Here's Nimitz on my chest in the early morning. What did we do before we could pick up our phones and snap unsuspecting photos of people and pets? My phone is filled with cat pictures. What's on yours?
Jul 25, 2013 | Books, Photos |
Here it is, the entire cover for HOT PURSUIT! It should be available in paperback next week! This book is trade paper sized at 5 X 8. Isn't this cover amazing?! The Fabulous Frauke outdid herself. Well, she always does! And she's mine! You can't have her! (Okay, maybe you can since she's in the business of making money, but you can't keep her.) 😉
I love this cover so much. I want to put it on my pillow and sleep with it.

Jun 17, 2013 | Books, Photos, Writing |
As I move closer to releasing HOT PURSUIT, I've realized a few things. First, I *love* writing these books about my strong alpha military guys. I've neglected them for so long, but now it's possible to share these stories with readers without needing a publisher's approval first. And I have to say that the initial reviews on this book are making me very happy. I know there will be people who don't like it, but right now there are people who do — besides me and my family and friends — and that's a thrilling thing.
But as I watch the reviews come in, and hear that people are loving the hot military action and romance, I'm realizing that I have to get these books out pretty darn fast. The only way I'm going to get the HOT books done, and meet my Harlequin obligations too, is to write on more than one project at a time.
I usually immerse myself in one book and write until it's done. But, no more. Today, in fact, I worked on two books. This morning it was a hot Greek CEO. This afternoon, it was a hot military operative. Fun!
I love both kinds of books, and I hope you do too. I know as a reader that I prefer certain kinds of books from certain authors, so it won't surprise me if some of you prefer the Harlequins over the HOT series and vice versa. But I hope you'll give them all a try! I promise you the usual sexy and exciting read, no matter which type of book you choose.
Finally, I have to tell you how much fun writing the HOT series is for me. It's freeing in ways I didn't expect. It's exciting. I love my Harlequin billionaires, but writing these military guys takes me back to my roots. To the way I grew up and the way I lived most of my adult life: as a military dependent. Mr. Harris isn't in the military anymore, but that life is never far away when I work on these books. I adore it, and I adore the men and women who choose to serve their country. Make no mistake, the spouses and children serve too. Anyone who has ever been a part of that life knows it. I spent years following my husband from base to base, but I wouldn't change a thing about it. It was an awesome way to see the world, and a thing that fills me with pride too.
All right, so what's coming next? Sometime in August, prepare for HOT MESS, a novella set in the HOT world! This one is about Sam McKnight and Georgeanne Hayes. There's a lot of heat in this story. I think you'll enjoy it — I sure enjoyed writing it! I plan to have Book 2 in the HOT series ready to go by Christmas, so keep an eye out for that one, and then I have two Harlequins out this fall as well – look for new books in October and December! I'm still working on next year, but you can expect four Harlequins (May, July, December, and as yet undetermined) and of course more HOT books! It's going to be a busy year, but I couldn't be happier about it. I hope you're as excited about it all as I am!
Jun 7, 2013 | Books, Contests, News, Photos, Promotion |
Welcome to all the new subscribers to this blog! I'm astounded by how many of you have joined up lately, and feeling a little guilty that I haven't posted anything fabulously interesting recently. How about this for interesting?
One of the things Harlequin does extremely well is translate books into foreign languages and distribute them in lots of global markets. I *love* getting copies of my translations! Here's my first Korean translation: THE MAN WITH THE MONEY, book 5 in the Notorious Wolfes series.
Something you may not know about me is that I love Korean food! I spent two months there back in 1998/1999, and I fell in love with the food. Bring on the kimchee, baby! Love it. One of my favorite things is Yuk Gae Jang, a very spicy soup that just makes me so happy when I have it. Mmmm.
Quick couple of announcements: if you haven't subscribed to my newsletter yet, you should! I'm going to start holding a drawing on the first of every month for a $50 gift card to Amazon, B&N, or Kobo. All you have to do is be a subscriber. Nothing else.
Secondly, if you haven't gotten a copy yet, MADDIE'S MARINE is now FREE on all the major outlets! Kindle, Nook, Kobo, iTunes, and Smashwords. I'm not sure the price change has trickled out to international outlets yet, but if not, you can always get it free right here on this site or from Smashwords, which has no geographical restrictions.
Now isn't this cover pretty? 🙂

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