Jan 2, 2015 | News, Books |
Happy New Year, dear readers! I hope these first days of 2015 find you happy and well. Just a quick post from me to let you know what's coming up.
First, on January 27th, HOT ICE will be available! This is Book 7 in the Hostile Operations Team series. Book 8 will follow sometime this spring. I have another series in the works, too. Well, truthfully, I have lots of things in the works. If you've been reading the HOT series, then you will know that Echo Squad played a part in the last book, HOT REBEL. They will very likely get their own books sometime this year!
I also have a contemporary romance series on the burner. These books are similar to my Harlequin novels, but they won't be from Harlequin. I may also do something shorter and quicker and publish it in parts. Yes, the dreaded serial — but I WILL let you know if something is a serial instead of complete in one volume.
And Colonel Mendez. Ah, the colonel. Everyone wants to know if he will get a story. He definitely will, but I don't know when. He's a hard man to pin down, quite honestly. He likes orchestrating everything and being in charge, so I don't know when he'll let down his guard enough to fall in love.
That's not a lot of news, but that's what I know at this very moment. Here's your chance to tell me what you want. More HOT guys? More billionaires like you find in my Harlequins? As always, to keep up with the news from me, sign up for my newsletter by clicking here.
Happy New Year!!
Jul 4, 2013 | News, Holidays, Books
Happy 4th to all my American readers! Our celebrations here in Alabama are quite soggy. It's been raining all day, we've had flash flood warnings, and there've been many road closures. Needless to say, any outdoor barbecue plans have been scuttled. Mr. Harris and I went to a BBQ joint for some chicken, so we did get our cookout — sorta.
I've had some inquiries about HOT PURSUIT — will it be available for UK buyers? Of course it will! I'm enabling worldwide distribution when I upload it to the retailers. There will also be paperbacks, which will follow the ebooks by a couple of weeks or so. The plan is to have this story available for you to purchase on July 17th — but we're dealing with various online retailers here, and some may be slower than others to make the book go live. I will keep you informed! It's my wish that HOT PURSUIT will be on all formats and ready to purchase on the day I've said it will be. *fingers crossed*
The absolute BEST way to stay up to date on all my books, including when HOT PURSUIT is live, is to join my newsletter. You can do that by clicking here. I never share your email with anyone and I only send out newsletters when I have a new release. No other reason! I won't email you chatty missives or send you recipes. It's all about the books! The bonus, however, is that I also give away a $50 gift card to one newsletter subscriber on the first of every month. All you have to do is be a subscriber. Nothing else!
Have a great day, and a lovely weekend! 🙂
Jun 7, 2013 | Books, Promotion, Photos, News, Contests |
Welcome to all the new subscribers to this blog! I'm astounded by how many of you have joined up lately, and feeling a little guilty that I haven't posted anything fabulously interesting recently. How about this for interesting?
One of the things Harlequin does extremely well is translate books into foreign languages and distribute them in lots of global markets. I *love* getting copies of my translations! Here's my first Korean translation: THE MAN WITH THE MONEY, book 5 in the Notorious Wolfes series.
Something you may not know about me is that I love Korean food! I spent two months there back in 1998/1999, and I fell in love with the food. Bring on the kimchee, baby! Love it. One of my favorite things is Yuk Gae Jang, a very spicy soup that just makes me so happy when I have it. Mmmm.
Quick couple of announcements: if you haven't subscribed to my newsletter yet, you should! I'm going to start holding a drawing on the first of every month for a $50 gift card to Amazon, B&N, or Kobo. All you have to do is be a subscriber. Nothing else.
Secondly, if you haven't gotten a copy yet, MADDIE'S MARINE is now FREE on all the major outlets! Kindle, Nook, Kobo, iTunes, and Smashwords. I'm not sure the price change has trickled out to international outlets yet, but if not, you can always get it free right here on this site or from Smashwords, which has no geographical restrictions.
Now isn't this cover pretty? 🙂

May 28, 2013 | Promotion, Photos, News, Books |
Hey, y'all! I hope you had a great Memorial Day weekend! I worked on my books this weekend, because I have no time to goof off and still get these stories out, but I also had a great day yesterday when the family went out to a nature trail and then to the botanical gardens. First up, Mr. Harris had been hearing about this covered bridge from a coworker, so he wanted to take pictures of it. Here's one he took of me, and I really like it! I wasn't dressed up or prepared, so I'm glad it turned out.

But that's not what this post is about, right? This post is about hot military heroes and summer publishing plans! First up, if you haven't yet gotten my free read, MADDIE'S MARINE, you can get it at several different places.
First, there's Smashwords, where you can download it in any format you wish: http://bit.ly/12VEvQJ
Then there's Kobo, where it's totally free to download: http://bit.ly/14HXZu3
Amazon has it, but they haven't price matched it to free yet. They still want .99, so be aware of that. You might want to wait until they drop the price, unless you just can't wait: http://amzn.to/12CawNg
Apple will have it quite soon! I'm waiting for it to go live there. Barnes & Noble will also have it, and I'm waiting not-so-patiently for that to happen as well. You can also, and always, get the story right here on my website for free, though you can only read it online if you do.
Another thing you can now do is add HOT PURSUIT to your Goodreads TBR shelf! Go ahead and put it on your shelf so others can see it's coming! 🙂
Now, as for the plans. Plans are always subject to change, based on deadlines and all kinds of other things, but here's what the tentative plan is. On June 1st, you can get my digital exclusive short story from Harlequin (no military hero in this one). HIS ROYAL LOVE-CHILD is about a prince and a commoner and what happens when they are reunited after 10 years apart!
In July, HOT PURSUIT will be available for your downloading pleasure! I don't have an exact date, but we are aiming for July 15th. Then you can read all about Matt Girard, Evie Baker, and the Hostile Operations Team! I'm so excited about this book and I can't wait for you to be able to read it! I know MADDIE'S MARINE is short, and it has that teaser excerpt for HOT PURSUIT — but never fear that HP is short! It's nearly 100K, so you'll get plenty to read!
After HOT PURSUIT, I have a novella coming called HOT MESS. There's no information on this one yet, as I am writing it right now. But I can tell you a little about the hero. He's Sergeant Sam McKnight and he's one bad ass soldier. He's from Texas, he's big and hot and tattooed, and he's focusing all his attention on the absolute last woman he can ever have, much to his chagrin. She's the little sister of his best friend growing up, and she's off limits. But then he has to get her out of a spot of trouble, and she's very inconveniently refusing to let him treat her like she's his little sister too. Which just leads to trouble of all sorts. 😉
Want a taste? Here's an exclusive peek just for you:
“I’m sorry about Sergeant Hamilton, Georgie. But I won’t let anything happen to you. You can count on that.”
“I know it.” She reached out and ran her palm along his jaw. She’d been aching to touch him. His eyes darkened, became hot pools she wanted to drown in. “I trust you, Sam. Completely.”
He caught her hand and pulled it away from his skin. “You can trust me with your life, Georgie. But don’t make the mistake of thinking you can trust me with anything else. I’m not that good, believe me.”
“Maybe I don’t want good,” she said on a soft breath. “Maybe I want you to be as bad as you can be.”
She didn’t think it possible, but his eyes grew even darker. His expression was taut. His voice, when he spoke, sounded choked off. “Don’t say shit like that to me. You know I’m not going there.”
Georgeanne pushed herself upright, skirting him as he continued to kneel where she’d just been. “You keep forgetting something, Sam. You keep forgetting that I don’t give a fuck what kind of twisted up logic you’ve got going on in your head about me. I’m not your sister, and I’m not thirteen anymore. And my brother has absolutely no say about what I do or whom I do it with.”
And there you have it! More HOT military heroes, a Harlequin Prince, and lots of plans in the works. This fall, I'll have two books from Harlequin (three, really, because you'll get a bonus book in December!), and hopefully another HOT book. So long as y'all keep reading, I'll keep writing!
Happy reading! 🙂
Mar 7, 2012 | Travel, News, Books |
Hey, y'all! It's been a crazy few weeks around here. First, there was a book due. Then there were revisions due. And then I spent a week on-board the Celebrity Solstice with my hubby, parents, and in-laws. Tomorrow, I'm off for New York City and a lovely girls' weekend with the fabulous Jennie Lucas. Well, it's not strictly a girls' weekend as we are also attending a conference, but Jennie and I always have such a fabulous time together that it'll be like we took off for a girls' weekend.
One of the best things about selling to Harlequin Presents is gaining some of the coolest friends ever. I truly love getting together with my fellow authors. We always have such fun! Though it'll just be me and Jennie in NYC, we'll still have a good time — and in July, when we all converge on Anaheim for the RWA conference, the fun will be even bigger and better as the other authors join us!
So while I reel with the fact I have to pack again (I just unpacked on Sunday!), I wanted to share some good news I got about Strangers in the Desert while I was in the Caribbean last week. First, Morgan and Whitney dish about the book at the RT Book Reviews website — and I am honored they liked it!
Secondly, I learned that this story was nominated for RT's March Seal of Excellence! It didn't win, but it was the only Harlequin category romance to be nominated. I am so thrilled with this honor! This book is special to me, and I'm very humbled by the reception it's been getting from readers. Thank you so much for loving this book and telling your friends about it!
And now I'm off to sort through my clothes and pack weather-appropriate gear for NY. I'm thinking the tank tops and Capri pants from last week won't cut it.
I leave you with a picture of me on the ship in St. Thomas. That superyacht in the background is something one of my heroes would own. 😉

May 24, 2010 | Books, News, Contests |
Hubby and I are mired in busy-ness. I'm trying to finish the current book I'm working on, which is almost there, and the hubby is working on his MBA classwork. The beautiful days of summer are beginning, and we're too busy to go to the pool or enjoy the sunshine for more than a quick break. In fact, this coming weekend when everyone else will be going on Memorial Day holidays, we'll be here, working. Well, he'll be working, because I MUST be done by then. Other than a quick read through, I won't have the pressure I've had for the past few weeks. Don't know what I'll do with myself — except, yes, I'll probably start another book. I have ideas for the next few, so I want to get them on paper before I forget. 🙂
The most exciting thing going on at Chez Harris, for me anyway, is that you can now find THE PRINCE'S ROYAL CONCUBINE in stores! Here's proof:

I don't know why the book looks so orange in photos. It's not orange at all! A reader sent me a photo too, and yep, it was orange. Have you seen the book in your neck of the woods? Is it orange? 😉
Comment here, send me a photo at lynn AT lynnrayeharris DOT com, and I'll enter you in a quick little blog contest for a choice of one of my backlist books and a $5 gift card to Starbucks!
NOTE: since I know you aren't hovering in bookstores as I write this, the contest will be open for a few days. 🙂