Aug 29, 2008 | Shopping |
Ah, Fall is just around the corner. It's one of my favorite times of year because guess what — it's boot shopping season! Yay, boots! I love boots. In fact, I was surfing a few favs today and trying to decide which ones I need first.
What do you think of Uggs?
Pretty cool, huh? Next, because I'm seriously into heels, is this beauty:
(Though I don't have wide calves.)
Then there's this adorable ankle boot:
An Oxford:
A high-heeled pirate boot:
A gorgeous Kenneth Cole half boot:
Leopard boots — yeah, baybee!
Whoa, need I say more?
Well, I suppose I could go on and on. I didn't find any red boots, though. *sigh* Would red leather boots be cool or what? Okay, now in truth, I can't have all these boots — Hubby would kill me if he saw THAT bill. 🙂 But I love looking, and I love shopping for shoes. Indeed, I'll hit the local DSW (with my previously mentioned $10 certificate) and see what I can find there.
What do you think of these boots? Is Fall boot shopping season for you too? What's your favorite boot here? Or, run over to Zappos or DSW and find a boot you like, then share it in the comments! Let's talk boots, y'all!
Aug 28, 2008 | General |
Well, my brain is on autopilot and skimming between topics, so it's a seriously good idea to just spout some stuff.
*The cabinets are getting empty. Must shop for food. Soon.
*Oooh, chapter retreat coming up in October!
*Murder mystery party — with chocolate and pedicures!
*Hubby is a WoW addict. This is good when I'm writing. Bad when I'm not.
*Since I'm always writing, it works out.
*Is it really 11 months until the next RWA National conference?
*Company returning next month.
*Birthday coming. Wow, I'm going to be THAT old? Twenty-nine again!
*How did the time pass so quickly?
*I forgot to have kids. Seriously, just damn well forgot. Hubby forgot too. Maybe we should have reminded each other.
*Why do my characters drive me insane?
*Is it normal to hear voices?
*Oh, wait, I'm a writer. It's normal.
*Ooooh, got a $10 certificate from DSW! Shoe shopping, here I come!
*After I finish revising.
So what's on your mind today? Got any cool certificates or gift cards to go shopping with? *g* If you like to give gift cards, which are your favorite ones to give?
Aug 27, 2008 | Revising, Writing |
A revision letter is both a terrible and wonderful thing. On the one hand, it means an editor gets your voice enough to suggest changes that will, hopefully, make your work better. On the other, it means you've got work to do.
As unpublished or uncontracted writers, revision letters aren't a part of daily life. Many writers are trying to find their style and voice and dream of the day when an editor makes the wonderful call that says, “I want to buy your book.”
And yet, as you learn when you cross to the other side of the fence, the grass isn't greener. It's still grass, and you still have work to do. Revision letters are a part of the, er, yard work (hmm, should have thought this metaphor out a bit more…).
It can be easy to get discouraged when this is new to you. You think you're the dumbest writer to ever fire up a lap top. You wonder why you can't just get it right the first time. Sometimes, you need to walk away and think about it. Other times the ideas are flowing fast and furious and you just know you're nailing it this time.
I've been in both states, believe me. Tonight, after frowning over the work yet to do, I picked up Sherry Thomas's Delicious. And there, in the acknowledgments, this new author who has received many accolades for her work, talks about a 16 page single-spaced revision letter from her editor on the very book I'm holding in my hands. Um, I think I'll stop worrying myself to death now.
How do you deal with revision letters? If you have yet to receive a revision letter, how do you think you'll handle it?
Aug 26, 2008 | Interviews |
Romance writer courts publishing success
This one has a picture. I'm not quite sure how it happened, but this article got picked up by the AP national news wire. It's been appearing in places like California, Louisiana, and New Hampshire. The link above is Connecticut.
If you've found your way here due to reading the article and going to my website, thank you for visiting. I hope you'll come back. To my regular readers, thanks for being here. I appreciate you checking with me every day.
Today, I'm working on revisions to THE SPANISH MAGNATE'S REVENGE. What are you up to?
Aug 25, 2008 | Uncategorized |
You can read the Decatur Daily interview with me here or here.
The WordPress switcheroo is on hold for now. Not because I don't adore WP, but because I don't have time to figure out what's up with my webhosting and WP talking to each other. I would love to point you to my new WP blog with the dot WP addy, but then that would simply confuse a lot of things when I get it working on the domain. So, sigh, no new blog for now. Hope to fix that soon…..
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