Jul 10, 2008 | Links |
How about useful, interesting, or fun links for today's topic? I can be quite behind the times, so I just found some of these things. Leave a link in the comments! 🙂
1. TinyURL.com — shorten long links in email. Also, these never expire (so they say). How often have you pasted a long link into an email only to have it arrive broken on the other end? Or how many times have you received broken links and then have to do all sorts of weird copy+paste stuff to open the page? This useful thing prevents those kinds of problems.
2. Photo Stamps — want to turn the cute kid into a stamp? How about Fido or Fluffy? Go to this site and you'll soon be on your way to having personalized stamps.
3. Cure Writer's Block. A site with nifty links and some fun stuff.
4. Thank you notes. Seriously, this link tells you how to write them — and it was kind of interesting!
5. 50 Great Widgets for your blog.
6. Audible.com. Download and listen to books. Useful if you're traveling. There is a fee, but often you can sign up for a limited amount of time and get a free book or get half-price books as incentive. Cancel at any time. Great for those long flights coming up to San Francisco….
7. The Goth-O-Matic Poetry Generator. Okay, maybe not useful, but fun. 🙂 Want to be dark and tortured and write poetry? Here's my effort, complete with brooding statue:

Night Ritual
Around, all around, the sinister creatures gather.
My dread grows as the angry hand of Heaven falls against my naked soul.
It slays me, and darkly my
essence drips
to the cold, uncaring tombstones.
In abject fear I cry out
while oblivion laughs cruelly.
Now alone, my cry of mercy falls upon uncaring eyes.
This is my doom
Jul 9, 2008 | Rants, Shopping |
What is it? It's that feeling you get when you go shopping and you suddenly feel, somewhere during the process, like you want to run home, close all the curtains, and cower in the dark. I don't know why this happens to me, but it does. I think I get wigged out by all the choice, and the necessity to make a decision. That and not having a perfectly rail thin size zero body. *sigh*
Not that I'd want to be a zero for real, but the way those clothes drape on the kind of women who have nothing to poke out or bulge anywhere — it just makes me wish I could wear anything I want. Oh, I'm plenty happy when I discover something that looks great on me. But the crap I have to slog through first. Oy.
These days, I know the kinds of things to go for in a way I didn't when I was twenty-something. Must have fitted busts and waists — long flowing things only make me look fat or pregnant. Ruffles are never, ever a good idea for a D cup.
And, holy hell, WHO invented the bubble dress and WHY? I saw bubble dress after bubble dress on my shopping trip yesterday. Nothing but a sheath with a huge bell at the bottom and then it fits against your thighs. Why oh why?
If I wore one of those things, you could get me size 50 shoes and send me to the circus. Not pretty, not at all.
Yes, I shopped yesterday. I tried stuff on, which I hate to do, and I discarded far more than I bought. One pair of pants, one markdown microfiber skirt, and one shirt. This is not a portentous start to my conference shopping….
Do you get shopping anxiety? Do you like to shop? Hate it? Find it easier with friends than alone? If you're going to San Francisco, have you finished the conference wardrobe shopping? What's your favorite bargain find?
Jul 8, 2008 | General, Life, Rants |
It was so successful last week that we need another Talk Back Tuesday today! (Well, okay, it made *me* feel better….)
Today, I'm complaining about my bug service. The technician drives up and sits in his car, then puts an invoice on my door. He did not spray anything. I am ticked. Still, not wanting to get him in trouble (I'm too nice), I call and explain that I'm pretty sure he didn't do what he was supposed to do (I *know* he didn't do it). The supervisor informs me he has never, ever had a call about this guy in the past. I said, “Well I'm sure he's a nice person, but he's also human. It's hot, and he did not get out of his truck. I can promise you that.” I felt like it was my word against the tech's, and of course it is, but still — why would I make this up? Who wants MORE chemicals sprayed around their house?
Anyway, the supervisor is sending him back out today to spray around my house. But how will I know he did it? I'm sure he will do it this time, having been caught red-handed, but how will I know that he'll do it in the future? Every time I see that invoice on my door, I'm going to wonder.
Would you change services? Or would you give them another chance? This is a known chain, not just a local company. What is your tolerance limit for stuff like this? Hubby thinks I'm too nice, but I think everyone deserves the benefit of the doubt. Still, as we continue forward from this point, I'm not sure I trust this guy. *sigh*
Jul 7, 2008 | General, Life, Video |
Oops, I got sidetracked this weekend and never got around to writing a new post for the week. 🙂 We in Chez Harris were supposed to trek to the Big Easy over the weekend. There, we would attend a family reunion on my dad's side, tour New Orleans, and take a trip down the River Road where we would stop at plantations like Oak Alley and be amazed.
Alas, it never happened since, as I reported last week, my dad had a minor car accident. So what did we do instead? Nothing exciting. On the 4th, we went shopping for a bit, then went to my parents' house for a cook out (it rained, naturally). Saturday, home projects took center stage — and Saturday night, we trekked over to Decatur to see the Alabama Blues Brothers perform. They are AWESOME. If you like the Blues Brothers, these guys do an amazing job of bringing all the fun and liveliness of the movie and SNL performances to the stage. Great time.
Sunday, more home stuff — hubby put together some closet organizer things and I went shopping for flowers and groceries. Yeah, seriously exciting.
So now it's Monday, and I have that disorientation that a long weekend brings. You know the feeling, don't you? Where it's time to get back to work and all you can do is think about the laziness of the weekend?
I'll leave you with a little taste of the Alabama Blues Brothers. This is a promo for the concert we attended. I'd definitely see them again. Talented guys.
What'd you do this weekend? Anything fun?
Jul 3, 2008 | Fun, Video |
My fellow Americans, as we approach the historic date of the celebration of our Independence, I have an announcement to make. Yes, I am running for president of the U.S. of A. See this news report for details! Thanks for your support. 🙂