Mar 25, 2013 | Readers, RT Convention, Conference, Celebrations |
This weekend, I met the fabulous Sarah Wendell from Smart Bitches. She came to Birmingham chock full of the most fascinating information. I could spend hours drinking wine with her and talking about books and authors and romance and readers and all the wonderful things that are a part of our romance community. Alas, she wanted to go home instead of hang out with us forever. And we kinda had to let her or, you know, that wouldn't be a good thing.
But amongst all the fabulous ideas she gave me was this one. Sarah suggested I host an informal reader event at RT. And I thought, hey, that is a *great* idea! How cool to get together with my readers for a chat?
If you're going, maybe you'd like to join me for a drink in the bar? This idea is in the planning stages, but it could be lots of fun to meet those of you who are going to be there. I'll look into options — we might meet in the hotel bar, or we might find a bar close by — and we'll get together for an hour or so. I'll buy you a drink! I might even have a specialty drink for the party.
I'll announce it on my Facebook pages, this blog, and I'll send out a special newsletter message. If you haven't signed up for that yet, be sure to do so: you can do that on this page by scrolling to the bottom and filling in the box that says “Subscribe to Lynn's Newsletter.”
I really hope to see you there!
Dec 31, 2012 | Readers, Holidays, Business |
Just a note on this New Year's Eve, the last day of 2012, to say thanks for everything you've done for me. You buy my books and you make it possible for me to have this awesome job where I get to write about sexy alpha males and the women who are tough enough and strong enough to be their equals. I love what I do, and I love that you enjoy reading my stories!
Since I got that magical call in 2008, I've written a lot of books and learned a lot of things. I've sold nearly 2 million books worldwide, which is incredible to me, and I get mail from so many wonderful people who've enjoyed something I've written. Truthfully, writing is such an odd word for what happens when an author sits down to tell a story. Yes, we write the words onto the page — but it's so much more than that. We live that story in our heads. I see it play like a movie reel, and I have no idea why.
I used to think it was weird to do that, before I started writing the stories down. I used to think there was a part of me that had never grown up and never would. When I was a kid, I told myself stories in my head to go to sleep — and I kept doing it as an adult. I didn't know I was supposed to write down what I saw. That took a few years to figure out.
But once I did — wow, everything made sense! And now you make it possible for me to keep doing this dreaming I do. 🙂
2012 was an awesome year, but here's hoping 2013 is even more so. I wish you all peace and happiness and prosperity!
As the new year begins, I'll be doing some new things. First, I'm planning to bring you a military romance series! The first book should be available quite soon, and if you want to be kept up to date on that, you can sign up for my newsletter here. (To read the prologue and first chapter of HOT PURSUIT, the first book in the series, go here.)
Secondly, I'm starting a Street Team. If you want to be a part of the LRH League, send me an email at Lynn AT LynnRayeHarris DOT com to be added to the list! I'll be sharing exclusive news and goodies with my team as we go forward. This is meant to be a fun way to connect and to share news about my books with other readers, so I'd love to have you join in!
Once more, thank you for everything you do and I wish you a happy, pleasant, awesome New Year!
Nov 5, 2012 | General, Readers, Personal |
There's something about early morning which lends itself to contemplation, I think. Mr. Harris had an early meeting this morning, something to do with a tele-conference with people in other parts of the world, so he had to get up at a criminal hour — and I woke up too. So now I'm sitting in bed with my laptop and my tea and thinking in the quiet hours before dawn. I have a lot of work to do, but I'll do it after I do this.
I've been thinking about this business, which I love, and about the people in it. Readers, y'all are the most amazing, wonderful, necessary people in the world. Without you, I have no job. I'd write anyway, but I'd have to do it while working 9 to 5 at something else to pay the bills. And no one would be reading the stories but me — and maybe a couple of friends. So this is preferable, and I thank you for it! I'm glad you like my books, and I always love to hear from you. So don't hesitate to send that email!
The other people I love in this business are my writing friends. I have a core group, people I can rant to about covers, sales, blurbs, revisions, etc. There's nothing like a good rant with your fellow writers. They understand what it's like to have a cover you hate or a blurb that fails to mention that lovely hook you wrote. They are also there when you have an emergency and need to brainstorm something. Romance writers are some of the most giving writers you'll ever meet.
This weekend, I attended the Southern Magic Reader Luncheon. Sherrilyn Kenyon was the guest speaker. She is amazing. As successful as she is, she's also humble and doggedly determined to keep working as hard as she can. She deserves her success. And she moved me to tears more than once as she gave of herself to that packed room with a dynamic speech that was personal and inspirational.
Today, I sit at the computer determined to go over, under, around, or through, as Sherrilyn said. Somehow, some way, I'm getting a ton of work done before I go to sleep tonight.
So I'd better get to it! But here's a picture of me with one of my writing friends, Kira Sinclair, who writes for Blaze and who can always be called upon to listen to a good rant.
Who do you rant to? Who are your friends you can always count on? One commenter will win a copy of my current release, THE GIRL NOBODY WANTED.

Apr 9, 2012 | Readers, RT Convention, Promotion, Conference |
I'm off to the RT Convention today! It's one week of non-stop fun and partying with readers, authors, and aspiring authors. This is my third RT, and I wouldn't miss it for anything. It's just such a fun time! There will be themed parties (but I'm a party-pooper and have no costumes) and dancing and lots of opportunities for fans to meet their favorite authors. I can't wait!
If you're coming to RT, be sure and look me up. I'll be rolling around a wheelie bag stuffed with books and goodies, and I'll be giving those books away. That's right, free books! I'll be giving them away until I run out, so come and see me and say hi if you want one. (I have to limit it to one per person so I'll have enough to last a couple of days!) I'll also have excerpt books to give away as well.
Don't be shy! Come and introduce yourself. And if you've never been to RT before, be sure to attend the RT Virgin workshop where you'll learn how to get the most out of the experience. I went my first year, and it was helpful! I still have the button they gave me. 🙂
Hope to see some of you there!
Feb 6, 2012 | Readers, RT Convention
Hey, y'all! If you're going to the RT Book Lovers Convention in Chicago in April, or even if you're not but you happen to live close by, be sure to come to Milwaukee (only 1.5 hours away!) on April 10th and attend Barbara Vey's Reader Appreciation Luncheon. There, you'll get to have lunch with 38 authors. There will be prizes. And books. And fun!
You can even buy a ticket to sit with me specifically. 🙂
Click here for more info. Hope to see you there!
Nov 24, 2011 | Celebrations, Food, Readers |
Hey, y'all! Hope my fellow Americans are having a fabulous Thanksgiving today, and I hope my international readers are having a great day. I am thankful for so many things today, but I want to say a special thank you to my readers! You guys make this job the best job in the world. I'm so happy when you enjoy my stories, and I'm so thrilled when you write to tell me about it. I treasure your kind words, believe me. I am not so self-important or snooty as to think I don't need you. I do. So thank you!

Happy Thanksgiving, y'all!