Freebie Friday
Today only, you can get SPANISH MAGNATE, RED-HOT REVENGE absolutely free when you order 2 or more books over at eHarlequin! It's their featured Freebie Friday special!
Today only, you can get SPANISH MAGNATE, RED-HOT REVENGE absolutely free when you order 2 or more books over at eHarlequin! It's their featured Freebie Friday special!
Hubby and I are mired in busy-ness. I'm trying to finish the current book I'm working on, which is almost there, and the hubby is working on his MBA classwork. The beautiful days of summer are beginning, and we're too busy to go to the pool or enjoy the sunshine for more than a quick break. In fact, this coming weekend when everyone else will be going on Memorial Day holidays, we'll be here, working. Well, he'll be working, because I MUST be done by then. Other than a quick read through, I won't have the pressure I've had for the past few weeks. Don't know what I'll do with myself — except, yes, I'll probably start another book. I have ideas for the next few, so I want to get them on paper before I forget. 🙂
The most exciting thing going on at Chez Harris, for me anyway, is that you can now find THE PRINCE'S ROYAL CONCUBINE in stores! Here's proof:
I don't know why the book looks so orange in photos. It's not orange at all! A reader sent me a photo too, and yep, it was orange. Have you seen the book in your neck of the woods? Is it orange? 😉
Comment here, send me a photo at lynn AT lynnrayeharris DOT com, and I'll enter you in a quick little blog contest for a choice of one of my backlist books and a $5 gift card to Starbucks!
NOTE: since I know you aren't hovering in bookstores as I write this, the contest will be open for a few days. 🙂
Though I am completely mired in getting this book finished in the next two weeks, I took a short break this weekend to attend my chapter's annual luncheon. Heart of Dixie puts on a fabulous luncheon, y'all! And I'm not just saying that because I have to. We have a huge ballroom, a sit down meal, and lots of prizes — not to mention fabulous guest speakers.
This year, Julia London was our speaker. Long before I was published, I was a Julia London fan. In fact, one of my favorite contemporaries of all time is a Julia London book: Beauty Queen. I love this book with a deep and abiding love! BQ was the second book in the Lear family trilogy — all the books were good — but something about BQ really resonated with me. Rebecca Lear, the former Miss Texas with no discernible skills, a young son, and a rich husband who divorced her and left her a mess, is just wonderful to see in action. You'd think it'd be hard to sympathize with a woman this beautiful, but in fact it really is easy because Julia makes this character so likeable. When Rebecca meets Matt Parrish — they have a misunderstanding over a quesadilla — things really get interesting.
I have hauled this book around the world, and when I realized Julia was coming to Huntsville, I took it down off the keeper shelf and carted it to the luncheon. Julia very graciously signed it for me — and I didn't realize it was out of print until she told me. This book should be available on the Kindle! Everyone should have a chance to read the fabulousness that is Beauty Queen!
Okay, so I got Julia to sign my book. We chatted for a bit, and then it was time for the doors to open. I shared a table with the most wonderful people! Lonnie Payne and his wife Tabetha have been coming to this event for 10 years. They were also accompanied by Heather Hart and her mother (the only lady whose name I didn't get!), and Patricia Lloyd (attending her 2nd luncheon) joined us as well. Rounding out the table were my mother and her friend, Margie.
We had a great lunch, and then it was time for the basket giveaways. When I went up to draw a winner for my basket, I drew Julia's name! I hope Julia likes Harlequin Presents. 🙂 My table won about 8 baskets between them, which was awesome. Apparently, Lonnie comes along because he has this knack of winning raffles. He doesn't read romance novels, but he supports his wife's love of them — and he won three baskets!
After the basket raffles, we had a book signing — and then several of us stayed and went to dinner later with Julia. It was a great day, and though I was completely worn out, I needed the break from this book. So now I'm back at work, but I'm glad I had that little bit of time away where I could chat with readers and other writers and have a generally great time. 🙂
With the peeps at my table
Julia London and me
Signing books
Okay, so I'm very busy writing a book that's due in 3.5 weeks (yikes!!!!) and yet I still make my online rounds of Twitter, Facebook, and the blogs I enjoy reading. As I was looking at my incoming links, I clicked on the one for eHarlequin which took me to my author page. Shockingly, to me anyway, I have three books in print. THREE. The Prince's Royal Concubine is available exclusively at eHarlequin this month in both print and ebook, which brings me to three.
It hasn't even been a year since my first book hit the shelves, and the 3rd book is about to do so in a month. I simply can't believe it. Not only that, but the same three books have come out in three other countries — and one of them has been printed in German and Italian so far. It boggles the mind. I have also just submitted, and had accepted, my 6th title for Harlequin Presents. What a ride it's been — and I love it. I love writing these books, no matter that some people don't seem to understand the appeal of the ruthless tycoon and his heroine. These books are Beauty and the Beast for me. That doesn't work for everyone, and I understand that.
But I love them, and I'm proud to write them. And I just want you aspiring writers out there to know that you don't need to apologize for what you write, and you don't need to worry what people will think. There will be people who hate your work — and who proclaim it loudly and frequently — and then there will be what I like to call the vast silent majority who love what you do. They love it, they buy it, and they may never write a review or send you a fan letter. But they are out there, and they love what you do. Don't forget that.
Keep writing and dreaming. The dream can come true for you too. And for my readers, thank you. I love telling these stories and I'm so thrilled you love reading them. 🙂
And now I have to get back to writing that 7th title!
P.S. Totally unrelated, but I blogged about the category romance panel I was on while at RT! There's a picture too!
Spanish Magnate, Red-Hot Revenge is coming out in Italy! In May, you can find Scottante Ripicca, which seems to translate to Hot Revenge, at the Mills & Boon Italian site.
I am *ridiculously* excited about it! First, the book came out in Germany, where I used to live, and now it'll be out in Italy, a country in which I've spent many a lovely day. I wish I could go to Italy to celebrate. I could stand to hit the shops in Florence. All that lush beautiful leather! I'd love another gondola ride in Venice, and maybe dinner on the terrazzo of the Hotel Daniele. A stroll in the Piazza San Marco after would be nice too.
But, alas, I am here in the U.S., working on another book and enjoying the spring weather we are finally getting. If you could take a quick vacation, where would you go?
Hey, y'all! Life has sure been busy the last few days, let me tell you. Yesterday, I had wonderful intentions to write all day. Didn't happen. First, there was the emergency trip to Sherwin Williams to buy paint samples. Then there was the curtain lady from JCP who came to try and sell me custom curtains (this is what happens when you go to a home show and sign up for stuff without thinking about it too much). The curtain appointment took 3 hours — and we were only talking about TWO windows!
After she left, it was back to Sherwin Williams for more samples. Then I had to wait at home in case the painter came by to see what I'd chosen (but I still hadn't chosen!). Once my hubby got home, it was back to Sherwin Williams a third time for more paint. I bought 7 samples yesterday, and finally made a decision. The painter is relieved, I'm sure. Tomorrow, he starts painting. Whew, who knew choosing paint was so hard?
This morning, as if yesterday wasn't busy enough, another guy from the Home Show came by. This was for a yard service and termite control. Since Hubby and I suck at yard care (weeds, fertilizing, etc), we really wanted to see what this would cost. Totally reasonable, so I signed us up. And for the termite control too.
(I didn't buy the curtains, however, if you were wondering. Though the fabric was beautiful, I have a hard time with $2500 for curtains for two windows — tall windows, to be sure, but still.)
This afternoon, I have to go pick up the paint that the painter is ordering this morning. And somewhere in all this mess, I have a book to finish. I'm seriously getting cranky about it too. Because I figured out a plot problem and fixed it, and now it's time to move forward. But my motion was on hold for household things, which has really frustrated me.
The best part of yesterday, however, was getting my North American author copies of The Prince's Royal Concubine. I wasn't expecting them so early, but when I saw the UPS man, I knew that's what it had to be because I hadn't ordered anything recently. So you know what this means! To celebrate, I'm giving away a copy today on the blog. Leave a comment and tell me about the best book you read recently. (Does not have to be mine, btw.) Or you can tell me about how life got in the way of something you were doing. 🙂
Update: using the handy dandy Random Number Generator, the winner is Jayme! Jayme, please email me your contact info and I'll get the book out to you ASAP! Thanks for all the comments, y'all! I enjoyed hearing about the books you like, and about your little life detours. 🙂