Don’t apologize for what you love

Okay, so I'm very busy writing a book that's due in 3.5 weeks (yikes!!!!) and yet I still make my online rounds of Twitter, Facebook, and the blogs I enjoy reading. As I was looking at my incoming links, I clicked on the one for eHarlequin which took me to my author page. Shockingly, to me anyway, I have three books in print. THREE. The Prince's Royal Concubine is available exclusively at eHarlequin this month in both print and ebook, which brings me to three.

It hasn't even been a year since my first book hit the shelves, and the 3rd book is about to do so in a month. I simply can't believe it. Not only that, but the same three books have come out in three other countries — and one of them has been printed in German and Italian so far. It boggles the mind. I have also just submitted, and had accepted, my 6th title for Harlequin Presents. What a ride it's been — and I love it. I love writing these books, no matter that some people don't seem to understand the appeal of the ruthless tycoon and his heroine. These books are Beauty and the Beast for me. That doesn't work for everyone, and I understand that.

But I love them, and I'm proud to write them. And I just want you aspiring writers out there to know that you don't need to apologize for what you write, and you don't need to worry what people will think. There will be people who hate your work — and who proclaim it loudly and frequently — and then there will be what I like to call the vast silent majority who love what you do. They love it, they buy it, and they may never write a review or send you a fan letter. But they are out there, and they love what you do. Don't forget that.

Keep writing and dreaming. The dream can come true for you too. And for my readers, thank you. I love telling these stories and I'm so thrilled you love reading them. 🙂

And now I have to get back to writing that 7th title!

P.S. Totally unrelated, but I blogged about the category romance panel I was on while at RT! There's a picture too!

Over at I Heart Presents today!

It's been 2 years since I got the Instant Seduction call (and 2 years today since I got the Golden Heart call, so good luck to all the entrants as the calls go out today!) and I'm over at IHP talking about what's happened since and giving away a copy of The Prince's Royal Concubine!

P.S. I know there's a problem with the comment function over at IHP. A couple of days ago, Amy was having trouble with everything going into spam. Hopefully she'll get it fixed soon, and all your comments will appear! So don't give up yet. 🙂

Guest blog

I'm over at Tote Bags ‘n' Blogs today, talking about cabin fever and the cabin romance! I'll be away from the computer for a while today, but I'll check in later, so leave your comments and questions. 🙂

Have a great Monday!

PS: The post wasn't up when I checked at 5:30 AM my time; hopefully, it will be up soon!

Guest blog, review, and giveaway

I'm still flying high on my news of the other day, and you'll notice that my web designer has changed the header of my site to reflect my new status — which, I must admit, still hasn't exactly sunk in. 🙂

Today, I have a mix of things for you. First, I'm guest blogging over at one of my Heart of Dixie chaptermate's group blog. You can read the post here.

Over at The Writing Playground, Smarty Pants is having a Free Book Friday with a Harlequin Presents theme — and she's giving away a copy of Cavelli's Lost Heir! Since I know SP really well, and have to pass the book to her at some point, it will be signed to whoever wins. 🙂

And finally, over at Pearl's World of Romance, the fabulous Pearl reviews Cavelli's Lost Heir. Here's a taste:

CAVELLI'S LOST HEIR is the perfect book to escape the harsh reality of everyday life and get lost in a few pleasurable reading hours, dreaming of being whisked away by a dark, tall and handsome prince. If you have an ounce of romance inside you and you're looking for a quick and satisfying read, this is one you shouldn't miss.