Vintage post

I began to notice last week that a post I wrote in 2007 was getting a lot of traffic. I don't know why, really, but of course I clicked over and reread it. And I think there's still some wisdom in there.

June 11, 2007: Saturday was the Heart of Dixie RWA meeting. Have I said how much I love HOD? This is a committed, enthusiastic, sharing group of women (and one man). The group boasts more than one NYT bestselling writer as well as some fabulous authors who will get onto that list someday I am certain. And I can’t forget the unpublished writers who are dedicated and professional and who will also sell books and have careers because they won’t give up on their dreams. A talented, inspiring group to say the least.

Saturday, our guest speaker, a computer professional, talked about websites for writers. Very informative! I learned a lot. (My website, for instance, is in serious need of revamping. I’ll have to work on that.)

But you know what he said that had me thinking? He said that blogs are a timesink and not usually worth the trouble (I’ve talked about this before, but hearing it from a pro made me think about it even more). They can be, when the author has a clear purpose and a goal (such as promoting upcoming releases, holding contests, etc). As daily diaries, not so much. They take away from the writing.

And then I started looking around that room at those NYT bestselling writers. Not one of them has a blog. So I thought about the other published authors in the room. Only one that I know of blogs. The rest do not.

Other NYTBSWs do blog, so that’s not necessarily a definitive example. But it’s something to think about. Writing comes first. (And I’ve already spent at least half an hour editing this post. Things that make you go hmmm.)

Obviously I got the website revamped! And some of those unpublished authors in that room are now published — and a couple of them blog. Blogging takes time. And I have cut down on the amount of it I do. I used to blog every day. But, really, I don't have something to say every day anymore (I am the first to admit it).

So, I try to blog when I have something to say, want to ask you all a question, or have an observation I want to share. And of course now that I'm published I get to blog and giveaway books! That part is quite fun. 🙂

Have you noticed that blogs aren't as prevalent as they once were? Do you spend more time on Facebook and Twitter? I sure do. It's easier to stay connected with soundbites, I think, than to write an entire post every day (especially when the post should be interesting!). Do you have any favorite blogs you visit regularly? How many people are blogging there? One person, or several?

I'd love to hear your thoughts!

Group blog!

After I had so much fun at my guest post over at Love is an Exploding Cigar, Blaze author Samantha Hunter was kind enough to ask if I'd like to come blog once a month with them. I said yes! You'll next see me over there on September 15th. I'll be sure to remind you.

Go visit the site and see what they have to offer!