This past weekend was the 12th Annual Heart of Dixie Readers' Luncheon. It was my first time participating as an author, and what a fun time it was! Disappointingly, I wasn't able to sign books with the other authors since my first isn't out until August, but I still had a blast. To be included with the likes of Vicki Lewis Thompson, Linda Howard, Linda Winstead Jones, Beverly Barton, Debra Webb, and Rhonda Nelson? It's one of those dream come true moments, I assure you.

There were so many talented authors there, in fact, that I was torn between being a fangirl and being a dignified author. ๐Ÿ™‚ I think I managed dignified fairly well, however….

Vicki was our guest speaker, and she is absolutely as hilarious in person as she is in her books. The visuals she created for the audience were laugh out loud funny, of course. I simply can't imagine getting up on that stage and speaking to an audience of nearly 200 the way she did, but I hope I'll be in that position one day. Not that I want to speak to a large audience, but I want someone to think I'm a big enough draw to justify asking me. Definitely a dream at this point, so I won't panic over the idea of preparing a speech anytime soon. ๐Ÿ™‚

Lunch was fabulous, the prizes were amazing as always, and my very own mother won not only a door prize, but also a raffle basket. She told me the next day that she counted 14 books in her haul — and that didn't include the petit fours, scone mix, tea, and other assorted goodies she also got.

Here I am at my table (I'm in the middle). You can also see this picture on my Meet Lynn page, as well as a photo of all the attending authors. (Barbara Vey of Publisher's Weekly featured the photo of the authors on her blog yesterday, too.)

Lynn's table at the Heart of Dixie Luncheon

How did your weekend go? Read any great books? I definitely got a haul of books, including the debut romantic suspense by chaptermate Christy Reece that I'm dying to dig into.