Does it get any better? I'm admittedly behind the times with television, but when I saw this guy on my favorite channel, HGTV, my brain just kind of stopped working. 🙂 Carter Oosterhouse, carpenter, model, and humanitarian, host of “Carter Can.”

Oh dear.

He has so got to be the inspiration for one of my heroes. Just not sure which one yet. 🙂

My personal hero, the hubby, was out of town this week. He returned yesterday. And I realized something while he was gone. I cannot be a hermit writer, much as I like to think I can. I love being home alone all day, working on my writing, but I really need that evening time with my honey.

Long days stretched in front of me with nothing but time to write? Nope, need the hubby to come home at the end of the day and make me think about something else. It's amazing how tangled up your life can get with one person, but we're like the roots of two plants that have grown together and entwined to such an extent that one can't survive without the other.

And that's what I love about romance novels. Love is the most wonderful, important, life-altering emotion in the universe. Amazing how romance gets bashed as “those little books” or “bodice rippers” or “easy, mindless trash.” Really? Love is mindless trash? Interesting thought.

Got any thoughts about love, romance novels, or fabulous hunks? Do share!

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