Jun 19, 2009 | Winners |
Thanks everyone for participating! I've decided to giveaway 3 copies since you were all so nice and enthusiastic about the contest. 🙂
Heather Brewer, Chris Roberts, and Janet. You were selected using my special scientific method (aka at random from all the names submitted). 🙂 Please send me your contact information, and I'll drop these in the mail.
Please keep checking back — more books to giveaway next week!!
Jun 17, 2009 | Contests, Promotion |
Clearly, I need to give away more books! I have an entire box of my August release just begging to be read. If you want a copy, tell me in the comment trail the name of the hotel that Rebecca Layton wants to buy from Alejandro de Ramirez. You can find the answer on this website, so do poke around! And stay tuned for more giveaways. I'm making plans for a great contest in the near future!
(A comment is an entry; by entering, you will also be signed up for my spam-free newsletter. Unsubscribing is very straightforward.)
— I am not giving away the entire box today, btw! Thanks, Hannah, for pointing that out. 🙂
Keep it coming y'all! Winners tomorrow. Yes, I will choose more than one.
Jun 15, 2009 | General |
I can't believe it's been so long since I've blogged regularly! I can now report that Book 3 is turned in, and Book 4 is forming in my mind. I'm sort of free — or at least until I get revisions for B3. Until that time, I've been catching up on much-needed housecleaning.
Oh dear heaven, how did these dust bunnies get so big?! And Spring totally passed me by — we're in summer, and I haven't planted the first flower in my pots yet. Oh, and I have a snake living in the wall. Yes, seriously. Not too surprised to discover that our builder didn't use proper weephole covers, actually. (A weephole is a gap in the brick so moisture doesn't accumulate inside the wall.) And without the covers, critters get inside. In my case, it's a black snake.
I don't want to hurt the snake. It's a good snake, not a bad one, so I keep hoping to see him go slithering away for a meal so I can cover the hole. This morning, I discovered that he'd shed his skin under my window. Ick. He's definitely still in there, sigh.
Aside from that fascinating news, nothing much going on. Waiting for my editor's opinion, thinking of next book, shocked conference is a month away (not prepared yet!), and trying to catch up on my promo efforts. Oh, and my mother-in-law gets the prize for reading my book the fastest of all the family. I shipped it to her last week; yesterday she called to say she'd read it and it made her cry (in a good way, yay!).
What's up with you?
Jun 2, 2009 | General, Life |
Seriously, I do know, but time is really running away on me at the moment. Such a busy month planned! Heck, it's a busy summer! I have a book to finish (one week and counting). A new proposal to submit. Conference to attend.
And then there are the parties and things that happen in summer anyway. A pig roast. A porch party. A Cajun dinner.
Let's not forget visitors over July 4th. Preparing for conference. Preparing for a book launch! (OMG!)
I don't think it's slowing down again until September. But then there's that October deadline. Retreat. Holidays.
Oh dear….
What are you looking forward to this summer? Is life slowing down or revving up for you this season?
May 28, 2009 | Winners, Writing |
That's what deadlines do, apparently! They make you disappear while you figure out the intricacies of emotion, plot, and resolutions to all problems so you can have the HEA. I'm coming down to the wire (and The End) and working pretty steadily. I also have to make time for a little bit of a personal life. 🙂 In fact, the hubby and I watched a program on the Travel Channel the other day about the best hot dogs in the US. Oh dear. I'm not much of a hot dog eater normally, but I've had such a craving the last few days. And my local grocery store sells Nathan's hot dogs, which are Coney Island dogs and were featured on the show. We had them last night — and OMG, heavenly!
There is also, apparently, a seriously cool place in Atlanta called The Varsity which has been selling hot dogs for decades. Now I want to make a quick run to Atlanta for a hot dog. Is that crazy?
Aside from craving hot dogs, I've also found time to mail out books — so if you won a copy of SPANISH MAGNATE, RED-HOT REVENGE from me, it's on the way!! I hope you'll let me know what you think.
I did promise to pick a winner from last week's giveaway! Without further ado, my scientifically approved method has drawn Mari from the comments.
Mari, please email me your contact info and I'll get a signed copy in the mail to you!
Who likes hot dogs? What do you like on them? I'm a mustard and relish gal, but I've had a Chicago dog before and loved all that stuff they cram on top of the dog. My favorite kinds of hot dogs, btw, are all beef in casings (like Nathan's). Not much of an Oscar Meyer/Ballpark/etc fan. What about you?
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