May 31, 2010 | Holidays
To all those who have ever served, many thanks for the sacrifices you and your families have made. As a military brat and wife, I know that the family serves right along with the military member. The military is a great life in many ways, and it's a hard life too. If not for Uncle Sam, I'd have never gotten to live in the cool places I did or travel to some of the most interesting places in the world.
In my family, we have a boatload of veterans. My husband, my dad, my mom, my grandfather, my great-uncle, and my father-in-law.
To all the families today who are celebrating Memorial Day without their loved ones, my heart goes out to you. May they come home safe. And for those who made the ultimate sacrifice, no words are adequate. All I can say is thank you.
Dec 29, 2009 | General, Goals, Holidays, Life |
The day after Christmas, Hubby and I decided we were going to clean our garage. Apparently, everyone has the same idea after Christmas. Not necessarily the garage, but home organization. Lowe's and Home Depot both had sales on storage containers and shelves, and people were loading their carts up. Since this is my first time having the organization urge immediately after the holiday, I was a bit surprised.
Still, we loaded up with shelves and containers and came home to begin the garage project. It's not done, but we've made good progress. And now I have my eye on a inside projects. I even cleaned out my pantry! I won't tell you how many expired things were in there. π³
Of course all this has me thinking about counting down to the New Year and planning goals for 2010. Some years, I fail; other years, I hit the goals. I'm thinking this is a goal hitting year coming up. π I have several, and I think they are reasonable. They aren't all related to writing. Some are definitely along the lines of “Get Organized!” Since I have a head start, I think it's possible. (No, I won't do a 180 and suddenly become super-organized. Wish it were so, but I know me.)
What kinds of goals are you setting for the coming year? Did you go buy organization supplies recently too? π And what kind of New Year's celebration are you planning? Low key at home? Party hearty at some swanky joint? I will definitely be at home, and I'll probably be in bed long before midnight. π
Dec 25, 2009 | Holidays, Life, Bestseller |
Hope everyone is enjoying their Christmas! Last night, we had our hot cocoa, watched our Christmas programs, and went to bed at a decent hour. This morning, we're looking forward to getting together with family later. Our present to each other was indeed the built-ins in our living room, so nothing to open when we woke up. But we'll have things to open at my parents' house. π
And I believe we're planning to see a movie later today — probably Sherlock Holmes since the whole family seems excited by that one.
Thanks to all my readers who keep buying my books and telling me how much they enjoy my stories! I appreciate you all, believe me. You've made this new author very happy this year. You've kept me on the eHarlequin paperback bestseller list for over 10 days, and the ebook bestseller list for a whopping 18 days. Thank you so much! I look forward to all next year will bring, and I'm excited about the stories that I'll be sharing with you in the upcoming months! π
Because I used to live in Hawaii, I can't help but wish you all a Mele Kalikimaka and lots of aloha today and always. π
Dec 18, 2009 | Holidays, Life |
Yikes! It's only a week until Christmas! Are you ready? I almost am. I actually mailed Christmas cards yesterday, which was a weight off my mind. And, I have to admit, I cut my list down this year. I've had people on there for years to whom I mail cards — and never get one in return. I've decided I just don't have time for that anymore. This year, I kept a couple of those people on the list, but mostly I mailed cards to people who mailed them to me. And people who I know will mail them (or would) when they have time.
As far as gifts, I'm almost done there. Hubby and I may not be shopping for each other, though we won't know that until tomorrow. See, we have this big wall in our great room where we've been wanting built-ins. So we have a contractor coming to give us an estimate. That may be our present to each other — which, I have to say, is fine with me. I'd rather get something I want than turn the man loose with a few ideas and hope for the best. π
If the estimate is too large, then we may be doing some last minute shopping for each other. We tend to buy what we want when we want it, or plan for bigger purchases, so it gets difficult to find things the other person doesn't already have. I really, really hope the built-ins are within the budget. I know we won't have them before Christmas, but knowing they're coming would be awesome.
What do you want for Christmas? Do you like things for the house? Or do you prefer personal items like jewelry and perfume, etc?
Dec 11, 2009 | Holidays, Life |
I'm feeling pretty happy today! Not only did I turn the novella in with 3 days to spare, but I managed to actually do a little Christmas shopping. Oh, not enough, that's for sure! I have much to do. But it was so nice to be able to leave the house, to actually wear makeup and put on real clothes, that it made me giddy.
Silly, huh?
But I've been cooped up in the house, slaving at the computer (while streaming Pandora Belly Dance radio, I might add!), and occasionally staring out the window wistfully. Getting out for something as exciting as a post office run and a trip to the mall was big news for me. π
I know there could be novella revisions any day, but I'm forging ahead with my holiday cheer until then! Today, I have fudge to make for a party tonight. Tomorrow, I have my RWA chapter Christmas party in the morning, and a tour of homes with my mom in the afternoon. Lots of Christmas activities to get my spirit going! And it's cold in Alabama, like really really cold, which it typically isn't this time of year. While I don't appreciate cold, it does mean I get to wear my gorgeous German Loden coat to my events instead of a light jacket. Since my coat is red, it puts me in the holiday mood!
And now I'm going to go turn on the local radio station that plays Christmas music 24/7, start the fudge, and wrap a package or two to take to the PO later. Are you in the holiday mood? What sort of things get you in the spirit?
Nov 26, 2009 | Holidays |

I hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving! I have a lot to be thankful for this year. It's been a great year so far, and I'm looking forward to spending it with family. Once the festivities are over, it's back to work on this story due in December.
How will you be spending the day? Have any traditions? My mom always used to watch the Macy's parade while cooking, and I do love to watch it too. Hubby doesn't, LOL. He'd rather watch football, or things about football. Of course we eat all the usual foods — turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, green beans, cranberry sauce (and I'm probably forgetting a few things!). The other tradition we seem to have is that I always make the stuffing. I stumbled on a recipe for Cajun sausage stuffing in a magazine a few years ago. And since I made it that first year, which was probably about eight years ago now, I have to make it every year. The family demands it. π
So I gotta get busy cutting up the onions and peppers, frying the sausage, and getting this dish put together. Hope your day is fun-filled and joyful. π