Mar 27, 2009 | Celebrations, Contests, General |

Not in my book! Or at least I don't think so, which is why I'm carefully reading my proofs that came on Wednesday for CAVELLI'S LOST HEIR and making sure everything still says what I want it to say. Which is also why I failed to write a blog post for Thursday, and why this one is so short. π
The best news that happened around here in the last two days was finding out about all my friends who finaled in the Golden Heart and RITA contests! Thirteen of my 2008 Pixie sisters went on to the class of 2009 in the GH, and my dear friend and chapter mate from Heart of Dixie, Danniele Worsham, also finaled in the Short Contemporary category. Yay!!!!
You can read about Danniele's call at the Writing Playground. The party was yesterday, but I'm sure she won't get tired of reading all the congratulatory notes flowing in. π
Hope you have a great weekend! Any big plans? Mine involve the wine bar tonight, something to do with yachts tomorrow (not on a Presents scale, alas), and maybe a movie at the fancy theater where they serve alcohol and food during the flick. π
Mar 23, 2009 | Celebrations, General, Travel, Writing
Don't forget to comment on the one year anniversary post below for a chance to win a prize!
Okay, so I can't believe it's Monday already. Probably because I blogged on Saturday (see post immediately beneath this one for link). And I have nothing new to talk about! I'm still so excited about my fab cover, and yes I will be putting it in the sidebar very soon and on my website.
I could just stare at it all day! I love my Alejandro. So sexy. Ahem, where was I? Oh yes, nothing to talk about. The weekend raced by. Hubby and I went out to do errands on Saturday, then went to my parents' house for dinner yesterday. Suddenly, it's Monday. Hubby is back at work and I'm staring at the WIP. Characters are stuck in a house together, alone, and sparks are flying. I suppose I should really be listening in and typing, come to think of it.
One of my friends went to Costa Rica to finish her book before deadline. I'm wishing I could do that. Instead, I'll have to pretend. *sigh* Time to whip out the tropical poster and play island music, I guess…..
If you could go anywhere to finish your book, where would it be? Or where have you gone that was good for the muse? (When I lived in Hawaii, I didn't write nearly as much as I should have — found the beaches and lifestyle distracting, in fact. LOL!)
Mar 20, 2009 | Celebrations, Contests, Writing |
Today is the one year anniversary of the call that I'd won the Harlequin Presents Instant Seduction contest. Much has changed in the past year! Come on one over to I Heart Presents and see what I have to say about the journey. π (And get the inside scoop on the genesis of my second book.)
Leave me a comment here and I'll put you in for a drawing. Not sure what I'm giving away yet, but I promise it will be good! Perhaps I will let the winner choose…. $10 gift card to bookstore of choice? Scrumptious bath set? A trio of brand new Harlequin Presents? What would you like? (No, not a winning lottery ticket!) π
You have until Monday at midnight CDT to enter. π
Breaking News: my RED-HOT cover is up over at IHP!!!! In celebration, I'll pick TWO winners instead of one. π
Dec 17, 2008 | Celebrations |
Yesterday, I made a snap decision. I decided to throw my hubby a birthday party. Not a big blow-out or extravaganza, just a simple cocktail party with finger food and friends. He's never had a birthday party because the day is so close to Christmas. This year, I hemmed and hawed about having a holiday party. And then it hit me (late, admittedly): why not have a quick and easy get-together for his birthday?
So that's what I did. Before I could change my mind, I sent the invite. So now I'm thinking about party essentials, planning a menu, and worrying about if people can make it on such short notice. But I'm sure it'll work out. Sometimes snap decisions are the best.
What kind of snap decisions have you made? How did it turn out?
Oct 20, 2008 | Celebrations, Writing |
Today's post should be over at I Heart Presents. Don't forget to sign up for my newsletter and be entered in the drawing for a $25 Barnes & Noble gift card!!!
(If the post isn't there first thing, keep checking. It's supposed to go live today.) π
UPDATE: The IHP blog is behind due to server maintenance last week. Not sure when The Call story will go up now. But click over to read about one of the runners-up in the Feel the Heat contest!
UPDATE AGAIN: The Call blog is live!! Go check it out! π
Oct 11, 2008 | Celebrations, Contests, Writing |
You can still sign up for my newsletter and enter yourself for a $25 Barnes & Noble gift card!
By signing up, you agree that you will receive emails from me on occasion. I promise not to share your address with anyone.
I'll draw for a winner on Tuesday, October 28th. I'll announce it on the blog and send you an email. You will have 48 hours to get in touch with me and give me your snail mail addy before I redraw.
Click to join lynnrayeharrisnews
What did I realize? I'm ineligible for the Golden Heart! Being a finalist last year was amazing, but now I'll never have a chance to win. Ah well. π I'll cheer my friends instead!