Jan 5, 2015 | Appearances |
Here's your chance to let me know where you'd like to see me in 2015! So far, I have the Romantic Times conference on my schedule, but I'm looking at other possibilities for coming to a city near you. Let me know about reader events near you and I'll see if it's something I can fit into my schedule. Where do you go to see your favorite authors? What kind of events do you like? Do you just want booksignings, or something more, such as meet-and-greets or reader weekends?
Jun 17, 2014 | Appearances |
On Saturday, I went to the Heart of Dixie Reader Luncheon in Huntsville, Alabama. I think I've been to six HOD luncheons thus far, and it's always a terrific time. A great guest speaker, lots of readers and writers, lunch, and prizes. A grand time!
This year was the first year I signed the HOT books at the signing afterward–and wow was I stunned at the response! Readers lined up to buy the HOT books, and I sold completely out of HOT PURSUIT and DANGEROUSLY HOT, and only had three copies left of each of the other two. I am so humbled and thankful that you all love the HOT books!!
Everyone seemed very excited that HOT SHOT is coming on June 30th, too! And now some pictures. 🙂
With the lovely ladies at my table
Line up for the HOT guys!
Signing lots of HOT books!
With my basket winner. She's too young to read the books, but her mother was there and she'll take the books while this lovely young lady gets the purse!
Our guest speaker, the delightful Eloisa James!
With Denise, a lovely reader who says I am her favorite author. 🙂
And finally, our author group. Quite a few of us there! Do you recognize anyone else?
Oct 20, 2013 | Photos, Appearances |
This weekend, Mr. Harris and I traveled up to Nashville where I was a guest speaker in the Music City Romance Writers' mini-conference. My fellow presenters were Theresa Ragan (aka T.R. Ragan) and Julie Kagawa. Both ladies are so much fun! We had a blast. I already knew Theresa, but this was my first time meeting Julie. I had such a good time with everyone! Thanks to MCRW for inviting me up and treating me like a princess. 🙂
Here are some pictures that Mr. Harris took. I have no idea what we were laughing at, but we were having a very good time.