Mid-Week Sweat check in

I didn't anticipate writing over the weekend, because it's difficult to do so when the hubby is home (simply because I don't want to ignore the man who goes to a job every day and lets me stay home to pursue this dream of mine), but I did write on Sunday because he wanted to play with the computer.

Sun = 926

Mon = 1435

Tue = 863

So I've written 3224 words in three days (haven't done today's words yet)**. I think I'm on target (though my goal was 1285 a day) because this feels right for the story. I'm finally coming to the end of this thing, and I would not have done that if I hadn't been Sweating with Sven, I guarantee it. πŸ™‚

This weekend will present challenges because I'm off to my Heart of Dixie chapter retreat in Tennessee. I'm taking the laptop, and I'll try my darndest to work, but who can resist the lure of friends, fun, and margaritas? πŸ™‚

**It's Linda Howard's fault I haven't started today's writing yet. Yesterday, I received Mackenzie's Legacy from Amazon (featuring Mackenzie's Mountain and Mackenzie's Mission). Yes, I'm like the only romance reader on the planet who hadn't read Mackenzie's Mountain, or any of the Mackenzie stories, yet. This morning, when hubby left for work, I decided to crawl back in bed with the book — just to get a nice start on the morning since it was raining and chilly and I didn't want to get out of bed yet. Big mistake. I didn't finish, though I wanted to (less than 100 pages to go of Mountain), but I had to finally drag myself out of bed and to the computer or I'd have spent the whole darn day reading. Wonderful story, great characters. And, as my CP would say, not an explosion or dead body in sight. Just great storytelling. We need more of this kind of story!

70 Days — Week One

Thursday words written: 1278

Friday words written: 1248

No words done on Saturday, or yet today. Weekends are much harder because of hubby being home and things needing done. πŸ™‚

Weekly total = 6543. So, I actually beat my five day goal by 118 words. Whew!

Day 3

Goal – 1285

Total – 1208

I'm happy with that, however, since I wrote extra words the first two days. Now my only problem seems to be that I'm not going to wind this book up in 60K. I'm afraid it's going over. Ah well, that's what revision is for.

I sure am sorry to see Clive move down the page. Maybe I can turn him into my blog header….. πŸ™‚

Happy writing! I'm off to watch Life and Pushing Daisies. Love those shows.

Sweating with Clive Owen

Does it get ANY better? *sigh*

Okay, so it's really sweating with Sven, but a girl can dream, right? πŸ™‚

Day 2 of sweat = success.

Goal – 1285 words.

Actual – 1467 words.

Must. Keep. Making. Progress.

Today wasn't easier, but I finished much earlier. Got busy sooner and kept plugging away. Lots of staring. Lots of thinking. Some deleting, some new ideas, but the point is the words got written.

Thank you Sven and all the sponsors at Sven's gym! πŸ™‚ (And of course thank you to Clive. When the going got tough, you were there, gazing moodily into the distance, inspiring me with your pretty green eyes….)

Edited: picture deleted. Sorry Clive. πŸ™

70 Days of Sweat – Day One

It took me all day to get in gear, with many stops and starts, but I did it. I wrote my 1285 words for the day! In fact, I wrote 1342 words.

And believe me, I didn't think I was going to make it at one point. I opened up the WIP and stared. And stared some more. And read some of the challenge participants' blogs. And stared.

Well, you get the idea. It was painful going, but I wrote 875 words on my nearly done GH entry and 467 words on the new book.

Having accountability is a good thing for me. I knew I HAD to get this done. I made a commitment and I told people I was going to do it. Failure is not an option.

So now I'm cracking open a beer and celebrating. Maybe tonight, I'll sleep like a baby. Or a lazy cat….