I got up this morning, all set to fix my coffee and climb back into bed with the laptop. I was wearing my Hello Kitty pajamas, the ones with the fleece pants, and I was so happy I have the sort of job where I could sit in my bed with my coffee and work while still in my pajamas. Heaven, I tell you!

But then I remembered, as I took my Let It Snow coffee mug down from the shelf, that we'd used up all the cream yesterday. There was much wailing and gnashing of teeth, friends. The choices before me: drink my coffee black; have tea; skip the morning beverage.

Those are not choices when you really want coffee. So I had to pull on clothes and drive a mile to the grocery store. I was the woman with bedhead who grabbed a bag of cat food (they're out after the morning meal), two pints of organic half and half, and a box of Weight Watchers turkey sausage breakfast sandwiches.

I did all that so I could go back to bed with a cup of coffee and a computer. 😉

Tell me what lengths you've gone to for your coffee (or tea). I'd love to know. I might give away a prize to the best story. How about a $10 Starbucks card and a signed paperback?

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