Sometimes, when we are still unpublished, we think that if only we could get The Call, everything would be easier. We'd have an editor and our books would be on the shelves. And, yes, while this is true and it is a most wonderful thing, there is still work to be done. The kind of work that when you get it as an unpublished writer, you are discouraged and think you'll never get there.

But I have to tell you that part of your life as a published author is rewriting. Successfully, regularly, and when asked. I have recently done a lot of rewriting. And right now, I'm rewriting the novella that's due in two weeks. Why? Because my editor wanted my internal conflicts to be better. I thought they were pretty good in the 25 pages I sent to her, but she was right as always and they could be better.

So I chucked those 25 pages and started again. Now, I have only days until it's due and a lot of pages still to write. Which means I will be scarce, but I'll check in and report on my progress when I can.

Remember, if you've recently gotten a rejection with a suggestion for massive rewrites, don't be discouraged. Published writers have to do it too. And so will you, so get used to it now and get busy. 🙂

(And can you believe that tomorrow is December already? OMG!)