This weekend, I took a mini-break from the deadline and went to a movie with my hubby. We both wanted to see Star Trek. I remember the original series, in reruns of course, when I was a kid. It came on late at night, and I just loved it. Then came TNG. That was also a great series, and I'll just bet the producers thought that Will Ryker was going to be their Kirk equivalent (handsome, tall, alpha) instead of Picard. And yet it was Picard that often got the sexy storyline and the girl.

Fast forward (or backward, LOL, if you're serious about your canon) to the new Star Trek movie. Without giving away spoilers, I just have to say that while Kirk is indeed the womanizing sexy guy he always was, the show-stopping majorly sexy guy upon whom I now have a major crush: Spock. OMG, Spock. Who the heck knew?

It's not because the actor, Zachary Quinto, is all that. (He is good looking, yes, but it's not that.) It's the emotion he puts into Spock. And the fight with that emotion. Spock is not the unfeeling intellect we've known and loved. He's still the supreme logical guy — and yet he's fighting with himself, warring with his emotions, and it's the most incredibly sexy thing imaginable.

There is so much more, and I just don't want to say because if you haven't seen it then I don't want to ruin it. But oh my. Kirk is over the top alpha, as always, but it's Spock's tormented alpha that strikes a chord for me and reminds me so much of why I love Harlequin Presents.

Presents heroes are always Captain Kirk in many ways. They are large and in charge. They take a backseat to no one. But they are also at war with themselves once they've met the heroine (if not before). They are brave, strong men trying really damn hard not to show or feel emotion. They battle like hell to keep a lid on it. But when they lose? When they cave in to the heroine and admit they're in love? I am so weak at the knees by then.

I'm writing a hero now who is battling emotion. He's battling some dark stuff, and yet he won't be able to keep it in ultimately. The heroine will know that while he's strong and capable of battling the world, he can't battle her. She is the one who gets inside, who is able to help him accept that emotion is fine and good and not at all contrary to strength and power. Ooooh, shiver, I love this kind of stuff.

And I totally love Spock. Can't wait for the sequel!

Have you seen Star Trek? What did you think? Are you crazy for Spock? Or does Kirk's swaggering alpha do it for you? (Don't get me wrong, I love a swaggering alpha too! And Kirk is also tortured, but his torment isn't as bad as Spock's.)

I'm so sure that Spock is a tortured Harlequin Presents type hero that I'm giving away a copy of my book today to one lucky commenter. See if Alejandro de Ramirez isn't holding something in and fighting it with all his might! (Be aware you will have to wait about a month or so before I get copies, but soon as I do, I'll send it over!)