One of the things I've had to begin considering as my book gets closer to publication is promo. Specifically, I mean those items that one gives away — bookmarks, notepads, potholders, etc. And I am NOT having fun. I don't like these kinds of decisions.

Order 500 pens with my name and web addy? Or go for the sticky notes? What about the potholders? Lip gloss? Personalized mugs? Drink holders? Backpacks? Notebooks?


Obviously, cost is a factor. So is space and tote-ability. And, after visiting the Goody Room at the National Conference, I have very specific ideas about what I like and what I don't. Truthfully, I wonder how much of that stuff makes a difference or an impact. I get bags full of stuff at the Reader's Luncheons I've attended, and I toss most of it. Except for bookmarks. I figure you can never have too many bookmarks. ๐Ÿ™‚

What kind of stuff do you like to get in your goody bags? Do you keep potholders and luggage tags? Or do you prefer bookmarks (I know there are TONS at these things, and yet I keep nearly all of them I get). Or do you consider all of it a waste of time and money?