I always feel a sense of anticipation as the new year approaches. I just know that all the things I planned to do will suddenly become achievable when the calendar turns from one year to another. It doesn't matter if I somehow got stymied on my goals in 2008 because 2009 will be THE year.

Except I didn't get stymied for once. Oh sure, I may have regained 5 of the 10 pounds I lost, I may have failed to jog 6 miles a week, and maybe I didn't organize my office and files — but I SOLD my book. I still get a thrill when I think of it.

So as I move into 2009, I have to make plans that have to do with sustaining a writing career. It's no longer just enough to say I'm going to finish a book or query editors and agents. No, I have an editor and an agent now. It's time to consider the next step in my goals.

In order to be more productive and move forward in my career, I have resolved to spend less time surfing. That's a hard one, and I know you're laughing. Heck, I'm laughing too. But I'm determined.

I'm also resolving to work smarter, not harder. By that I mean I have to waste less time and focus more. I have a tendency to scatter my attention among projects, or to put off focusing on one thing because I have lots of time to get it done (hello, I'm the girl who wrote the paper the night before it was due all throughout college). I'm of the opinion you can't force the muse, but I do believe you can coax her. Regular work habits will help.

And yeah, I also have the usual resolutions to lose weight and get more exercise. Nothing wrong with a little ambition, right? ๐Ÿ™‚

So what are your resolutions this year? What do you plan to change or do differently in order to reach the goals you've set for yourself?