On Tuesday, something momentous happened. Yes, I cut my hair. (And, oh yeah, some guy won an election or something. *g*)
I have not changed my hair in about fifteen years. It's always been long and straight (once I grew out that spiral perm). But I felt like making a change finally. My stylist was actually worried I'd get upset after he made the first cut – but I didn't, and I haven't yet. In fact, it's not really all that different to me. I have layers now, which I haven't had in years, and I have to relearn how to use a curling iron and hairspray. But it's still long. It just feels more versatile now. If my hair wasn't so fine, and would hold a curl better, I could have kept the weight of the longer hair forever. But I'm not sorry I made the change.
Indeed, November seems to be a time for changes. Leaves change colors, the nation changes leaders, and I changed my hair. What about you? Made any changes lately? Planning any changes? Worried about change? Thinking about change, but not sure if you're ready? What's the biggest change you've ever made to your appearance?
The biggest change I made to my appearance was in February 2004 when I got braces on my teeth. I’d wanted them for years, but first we did the kids’ teeth and then got them through college. When we made the final tuition payment for our older son (#2 was on a full scholarship, thank goodness), the DH asked if I still wanted to get my teeth straightened. I did, and started the process in December of 2003 with the initial visit and x-rays. In January they did my molds and I also had 4 teeth pulled (and all 4 developed dry sockets — OUCH!). Then in February the braces went on. I had the full metal deal. Ceramic would have cost more and might have taken longer since you can’t put as much torque on ceramic as metal. Anyway, after 28 months, the braces came off in June of 2006,just 2 days before my granddaughter was born. I still wear a retainer and probably always will have to wear it at night because adult teeth have an annoying habit of wanting to revert to old positions.
Was the process painful? Oh yeah. There were times when all I could do was eat soup. Other times the inside of my mouth and sides of my tongue would be raw. But I just took Tylenol and rinsed with Listerine and soldiered on and now I love my smile!
Can’t wait to see the new do!
Ooh, I can’t wait to see it! I’m a big fan of hair changes, as you know.
I actually have a real word as my verification today…I think it’s a first–shriners
PM, that sounds painful! I need to do it. I keep thinking about making the appointment, but haven’t done it yet. Yeesh, I had dry socket in one tooth and that was a nightmare. You poor thing, four!!
The new do really isn’t all that drastic. In fact, if I don’t curl it on Saturday, y’all will probably only notice it’s shorter. 🙂
PC, your hair changes are much more dramatic than mine! I’m taking baby steps. 🙂
I changed my hair this week. Hadn’t really planned to, though…