Y'all, I'm so excited I can hardly stand it! I found out yesterday that I won the Harlequin Presents Instant Seduction contest!!! I have won an editor for a year. I'm still in shock. And I've already talked to her on the phone, and she's fabulous. I'm looking forward to working with her on making THE SPANISH MAGNATE'S REVENGE into the best book I can.

I know it's not my usual military romantic suspense, but Presents novels have always been special to me. They were the first romances I ever read, and I've always wanted to write for them. I got up the courage to try when the contest was announced. I never thought I'd win, and certainly not over 599 other entries. I'm so happy and humbled by the experience.

What next? Get to work on the book, of course. ๐Ÿ™‚ Now I feel like I have a real deadline and people not to disappoint. It's no longer about me writing for me. I have an editor and a goal. I have a great critique partner, an awesome RWA chapter, and a supportive family. Somebody pinch me. ๐Ÿ™‚