Whilst working on my GH entry, I decided I needed a non-writer opinion. Now, I know my hubby doesn't read romance. I know he's not going to understand everything about the genre and he may be a bit, well, confused with how much emphasis there is on the romantic relationship as opposed to car chases, gunfights, and space ships (or some such).
*sigh* You get what you pay for. He read every word, he laughed in a couple of places, and he gave me comments that were helpful. But he didn't love it. It's not his genre, and I know that, but I guess I still expected him to be wowed. His comment? “It's not bad.” ROFL. I'm secure enough not to disintegrate over that, but still. Is it a bit too much to ask for some enthusiasm?
I think of Stephen King and his first reader. He says he writes for his wife. It's her he wants to entertain. If she doesn't like something, he's disappointed. And I know how he feels, I guess. I can't write for my husband since I write romance and he doesn't read it. But I'd like it if he was amazed and stupefied by my brilliance, you know?
In his defense, though, he has always promised to tell me the truth when I ask him to read my work. I prefer that to platitudes and blind acceptance of everything I've written. He even once gave me the perfect plot twist on a short story. I value his opinion, but I still wish I could wow him. Maybe if I write an intergalactic space ship chase/gunfight/political thriller/horror novel combination, I'll have the ideal first reader. 🙂 Until then, I guess I'll have to settle for It's not bad.
Do you have a first reader who's a non-writer? Do you share your work with your spouse, or another family member? Are you disappointed or helped by those opinions?
I DO NOT share my writing with my husband because while he’s my BIGGEST supporter, he is anal as hell and will stop every few seconds and question why I used a certain word. He doesn’t understand the romance genre, would rather have root canal than read the books, and frankly, doesn’t have the patience to try. LOL! Again, he’s the one who keeps me writing, but for a critique partner, he sucks. 🙂
Yep, I hear ya! My hubby is my biggest supporter too, but he just isn’t into romance. I probably won’t ask his opinion again. Unless I feel I’ve gotten too big for my britches and I need taken down a few pegs, LOL.
Since I write erotic romance, I don’t feel comfortable sharing it with my parents or goddaughters. Especially the latter since they’re in the mid-teens yet. Perhaps after they turn 20 I will. *g*
I understand what you mean. I don’t show stuff to Otto much unless he asks. He sighs, reads, and then edits. I wonder if I should bother him with this new brilliance.
And then, a few months ago he told me I was a talented writer. I was really surprised.
I grew up hating to read. Now I write action-adventures & mysteries especially for boys 8 – 13, who also may not like to read.
NEWSPAPER CAPER, TERROR AT WOLF LAKE, NORTH WOODS POACHERS, MOUNTAIN CABIN MYSTERY, BIG RIG RUSTLERS, SECRET OF ABBOTT’S CAVE & LEGEND OF THE WHITE WOLF, are compared by readers and reviewers to Tom Sawyer, The Hardy Boys, Huck Finn, Nancy Drew, Tom Swift, Scooby-Doo, Lemony Snicket, and adventure author Jack London.
My blog, Books for Boys, ranks in the top 5 on Yahoo and the top 20 on Google and you can find it at http://booksandboys.blogspot.com There you will also find links to my author’s web site and another blog with 50 pages of reviews. Available on amazon UK.
If you have any questions, please let me know.
Thank you,
Max Elliot Anderson
Now, from an author who hated to read…comes books kids hate to put down.
Tempest, I understand why you wouldn’t want to share your writing. 🙂 Thanks for stopping by!
Max, thanks for the comment. Sounds like you are quite busy. 🙂
Cyn, it’s difficult letting your spouse read your stuff. But I think what you write is closer to what Otto actually reads. He might be a big help, or he might not if he can’t see the forest for the trees. 🙂 Only you know if he’s helpful or not. 🙂
Whilst? You’re in Alabama now, honey, we don’t use words like that.
LOL! Twas memories of my English major days spent pouring over Shakespeare slipping out of control. I shall try to contain it. 😉
Sounds like your DH and mine are twins. 🙂
Actually Lynn, you are right. When I need help on a character I bounce stuff of him. He adds the humor in my writing.