Does it get ANY better? *sigh*

Okay, so it's really sweating with Sven, but a girl can dream, right? ๐Ÿ™‚

Day 2 of sweat = success.

Goal – 1285 words.

Actual – 1467 words.

Must. Keep. Making. Progress.

Today wasn't easier, but I finished much earlier. Got busy sooner and kept plugging away. Lots of staring. Lots of thinking. Some deleting, some new ideas, but the point is the words got written.

Thank you Sven and all the sponsors at Sven's gym! ๐Ÿ™‚ (And of course thank you to Clive. When the going got tough, you were there, gazing moodily into the distance, inspiring me with your pretty green eyes….)

Edited: picture deleted. Sorry Clive. ๐Ÿ™