This is not about writing (though I will tie it into writing eventually). This is about an absolutely unbelievable article written by Michael Noer in Forbes magazine (found via the Smart Bitches). Thank God for the counterpoint article by Elizabeth Corcoran which, according to the SB's, only recently appeared on the site.
Writes mommy's boy Mr. Noer:
Guys: A word of advice. Marry pretty women or ugly ones. Short ones or tall ones. Blondes or brunettes. Just, whatever you do, don't marry a woman with a career.
Why? Because if many social scientists are to be believed, you run a higher risk of having a rocky marriage. While everyone knows that marriage can be stressful, recent studies have found professional women are more likely to get divorced, more likely to cheat, less likely to have children, and, if they do have kids, they are more likely to be unhappy about it. A recent study in Social Forces, a research journal, found that women–even those with a “feminist” outlook–are happier when their husband is the primary breadwinner.
Cough, choke, sputter. Jeez louise, it gets even worse after that. (And let's not even discuss the faulty argumentation in that second paragraph: “many social scientists” — how many? Names, please. “Recent studies” — bibliography, please, not just for these amorphous studies but also for the Social Forces article.)
What Mr. Noer fails to consider is that the patriarchal culture, which has been around for, oh, a few millenia or so, has inculcated women with the idea that taking care of the family is their primary responsibility. It's only in recent decades that women have had the freedom to pursue careers on a large scale (and, in case you thought women had equal standing with men in the workplace, you only have to read the bigoted opinions of men like Mr. Noer to realize it ain't so).
Yeah, so maybe women might retain some uncertainty with the career/caretaker dynamic! Not all women, certainly, and I'm not even going to check the veracity of the studies he (almost) cites but if we just go ahead and believe those studies are correct in their essential claims, then might there be a reason other than women belong in the home and therefore feel unfulfilled when they are not?
Yeah, and maybe it's because women do feel some guilt and, worse, pressure to conform to what the dominant patriarchal system still claims as its right: women taking care of men and children and households (the system doesn't claim this on the surface, necessarily, but if you question that it's still the norm, just read Mr. Noer's article. Occasionally, the truth rises to the surface like a rotting corpse that just won't stay tied to the bottom of the lake).
That doesn't mean women are necessarily happier when they are homemakers or that they want to be homemakers. Yeah, we think we live in enlightened times all right, but here's more evidence we don't, not yet. And, yeah, my knickers are in a twist because my thesis was about this very damn thing (The Heroine's Journey: The Feminine Quest for Identity in the Selected Fiction of Virginia Woolf). Sure, we may have come a long way, baby, but the journey ain't over yet.
The fact that a man could say such things in a national magazine, could call professional women “career girls” (do we ever call professional men “career boys”? Maybe we should) is a sign that we aren't as enlightened as we like to think. No, I don't think Mr. Noer should be silenced. It's his right to say these things and to think he's offering an intelligent, reasoned argument while doing so. I'm saying that the fact he could write it and think it reasonable, and that Forbes published it thinking it perfectly reasonable, and that people are reading it thinking it may have a point, is merely a sign that we have a long way to go in our thinking about gender roles and sexual equality.
I have a graduate degree (or will soon). I don't, at this time, work outside the home. My reasons are my own, but you can bet it wasn't so I could take care of my husband. Yeah, I do the bulk of the household chores — the cooking, cleaning, and shopping. I even do the finances. If I worked outside the home, you can bet we'd be having a discussion about divvying up the responsibilities. Of course writing is a career, and of course I take it seriously. But I don't yet have a book contract, so I can't say “Hey, hon, I'm going to ignore everything and concentrate on a story.” It's my choice to do it the way I do it. And I am fully aware that a man is currently taking care of me, providing income and insurance so I can do what I want to do.
And, by golly, being the force in the home, the caretaker and primary child raiser, should be a CHOICE that women CAN make without feeling like it's a bottom level job. Some women will want to stay home. Some men will want to stay home. That's fine, and I'm not saying women should all have careers outside the home or should want to have them. But don't tell me that those who do are bad mates. Studies, which I don't have in front of me but which I think Ms. Corcoran talks about, still show that when both spouses work, the woman does the lion's share of the household chores anyway. (Yeah, yeah, yeah, I take him to task for not providing citations, but this is a personal blog and not a national magazine; if I were writing for a magazine, you can bet I'd be EBSCOing my butt off.)
I have only to talk to working friends or to look at certain women I know (my mother) to see the truth of this one. Women will work demanding jobs and then go home and cook dinner, put the kids to bed, do laundry, etc, while the man sits on the couch with the remote. No, I'm not about to say all men or to generalize, but I have seen this in nearly all the dual working relationships of people I know. That does not make a study, I realize, so don't think I'm saying it's wholesale true. (That would make me as bad as him.)
How does this relate to romance writing? Romances are by and large written by women. Romances cross the spectrum of styles. You'll see the fainting flower of a heroine who needs a man to take care of her, sure, but not so much anymore (or at least not in romantic suspense, which is what I write and read mostly). (See the NYT article on Nora Roberts — though they still make fun of romance, and aren't as respectful of her as they would be of, say, Margaret Atwood, they have to admit she doesn't write needy heroines which they conclude is a good thing.) But, most often now, you'll see a heroine who's morphing into something more. A kick-ass, take names, join up with the hero as an equal kind of gal. Yeah, men are still there, and the couple ends up happily ever after at the end. We romance writers like men; go figure.
But, dammit, I think (my opinion) that women write and read romance not because we want an escape from our humdrum lives, but because we want a MAN LIKE THAT. Not a gorgeous muscular man (but oh who would complain?) but a man who a) loves a woman with his whole being, who b) wants to please her, sexually and other, who c) understands her motivations and knows what she needs to be comfortable and happy in a relationship.
Oh geez, there's so much more to it, and it could probably turn into a dissertation, but romance heroes are not fantasy men in the sense of their physicality, though of course they are that too, but fantasy men in the sense that women want more from men than a lot of grunting, scratching, and channel surfing. We want a man who isn't afraid to talk to us when we want to rant (Mars/Venus stuff
), who knows we sometimes want a strong shoulder to lean on, who gets that we don't get the appeal of NASCAR (okay, so that's me, I know there are plenty of female fans) or boxing, who will rescuse us if we need rescued, and — real important — doesn't mind us rescuing them when they need it.
Romance heroines get the guy, but not by being needy doormats. Whether we write stay at home moms or CIA spies, our heroines want something and aren't afraid to go after it. It's a quest, and if it's going to be successful, then she will grow and change and learn to do what she didn't think she could do.
So, for Mr. Noer, who surely had a stay-at-home mother who took care of all his needs and who desperately wants that in a wife (maybe he has it, though the tone makes me think not), you can't lay all the blame for failed marriages and unhappy males at the feet of “career girls,” dude. Maybe it's the men who need to shift their paradigm. Did you ever think of that? Multi-dimensional women with goals and intellect and attitude shouldn't be feared. Men who do fear them need to look inside themselves for the answer because the problem isn't with women. It's with the men who seek to define feminine life on their terms. How can you ever be happy with yourselves if you insist on laying the blame on us? Maybe that's the point. If you aren't forced to look within, you won't have to confront that vast emptiness inside you. So go define yourself and leave me the hell alone.
Reminds me of another discussion on another blog!
Oh, and I just noticed your “MA Thesis” is 118% done. Er..?
Yes, it’s similar, but you’ll notice I left out the whole “woman as priest” thing. That’s another can of worms. 🙂
I went over my target word count, so it’s 118% done. 🙂
Yes! We’re seeing a lot of this BS in the press lately and it makes me furious. A big goal in raising children is teaching them that they’re not, in fact, the center of the universe, and wishing don’t make it so. Apparently, he never learned that. Guess what, guy – women are human, too.
Hey Lynn…
You know my take on children… LOL …
Anyway, someone needs to take care of the children and unfortunately the women see the need before many men do…
Since I am now a stay-at-home person, I take care of the house stuff when I can. I don’t always have the energy for more than washing dishes and laundry. Hubby cleans too… especially when he see me struggling.
But… I have learned that I don’t need to scrub the house every day.
You hit the nail on the head when you mentioned that only recently have large numbers of women been able to enter the professional world. Because this is really a bourgeois issue. My wealthy neighbors are professional women, upper class at birth, as are their husbands. It wouldn’t occur to either of them–husband or wife–that one of them should be doing ANY menial housework. Children have nannies. Immigrants and uneducated working class women labor. Who takes out the trash is a nonissue. Yet they’d all claim to be feminist.
Cyn, I agree that someone needs to take care of the children. But I think it can be a toss up over which partner that will be. 🙂 I have some very well-adjusted friends where the mom is a doctor and the dad is the stay-at-home. He’s also an artist, so it works for him to be home. They have two kids. I have always admired them. The thing is, too, he’s a Latin male (as in raised in a very macho South American country) and you’d never know that what he’s doing is something that his countrymen would not do. He truly has no problems with it.
At least one day a week, however, he gets to go do something alone in the evening after the wife gets home. He’s only gone for about 3 hours, but he gets his “me” time. I don’t know how they divvy up the tasks, especially with her being a doctor and on call, but I bet it’s more equal then the usual woman-at-home dynamic.
Patricia: *sigh* Nannies and housekeepers. Does it get any better? Seriously, you’re right of course that it’s a bourgeois issue. That’s why I like reading Woolf. She shows you what it was like for the upper class women of her era. They were freer than the working class, but still confined by patriarchal strictures. I wonder if today’s upper class lifestyle helps or hurts the middle class (women)? (I mean simply in “how” we live, what we expect, not in their control of the lion’s share of resources which I would naturally agree skews things in their favor.)
“A big goal in raising children is teaching them that they’re not, in fact, the center of the universe, and wishing don’t make it so.”
Well said, Terry. Unfortunately, some parents don’t seem to stress this enough. I can’t believe some of the kids I see sometimes. The tantrums in the store, the caving in by the parents. I hate listening to a kid scream, but I sometimes find myself cheering the parent on silently when they keep refusing to give in to the tantrum. I know it has to be hard when you know everyone’s looking at you and your little one is red in the face and hiccoughing sobs, but I admire the ones who don’t take the easy way out.
Lynne, I really don’t believe that marriages with stay-at-home husbands work. I believe that over time a huge inbalance in income (and perhaps education) will overwhelm a marriage. Sooner or later the woman either loses respect for her spouse or the husband becomes convinced that she’s lost respect for him and then it’s warfare and then it’s divorce court.
To men, we live and die for respect. If we find ourselves in a chronically inferior position it just “ain’t gonna work.” Yeah, some people stay together for a variety of reasons but it remains ugly.
Men need to earn money excluding the ill, disabled, incapable. Even in a situation where the man has become disabled thru no fault of his own you see many cases where the wife comes to resent the inbalance. As far as I can tell from my years in the mental health bidness, a non-working man is a one way ticket to great unhappiness.
A man doesn’t necessarily have to make more money than his wife but if she makes double or triple his income there will be trouble. Wifes will say the right thing, “Oh I don’t care what he makes….blah, blah, blah, yada, yada, yada,” but that simply is not true. If your husband makes a lot less than you do, than you spend way too much of your time explaining the situation and trying hard to put a positive spin on it.
Men need to work; women need men to work.
Thanks for your comments, rabbi-philospher. Perhaps we should consider, as Helene Cixous once stated, that men are as much victims of the patriarchy as are women. Men have been inculcated with the idea that they MUST work and earn money and lead their families, just as women have been taught to be homemakers for a very, very long time.
I don’t dispute you are correct in your summations. I just don’t think it HAS to be this way forever. It’s a product of our society and the social structure, not necessarily a biological imperative. 🙂 Unfortunately (for men, not for women), it’s women who want to change the dynamic, which leads to men such as Mr. Noer having an existential crisis about it.
On the other hand, any relationship where one person does the majority of the earning while the other stays at home can end up with its problems. How many middle aged men decide to buy a sports car, go to the gym, and leave their middle aged wives who have a) no career and b) no income of their own and c) (sometimes) no outside interests beyond raising the children. Any dynamic in which one partner continues to grow and learn and earn money while the other does not is probably doomed to a few problems. But I would agree with you in principal that it’s men who will have a harder time with being the home-dwelling spouse than women. It’s societal pressure coming to bear, which is what I’ve been saying all along.
Thanks for commenting! I appreciate the discussion.