It occurs to me, by reading other blogs and reading about how some folks are shooting themselves in the foot by blogging about employers, etc, that I should state for the record that all this blither-blather I type is simply my opinion and that I love a good debate and that I am easily persuaded to see the error of my ways, when I am in error. Ha! My employer, if I have one, is the DH, otherwise known as the darling hubby, the wonderful man who rocks my world and doesn't mind one tiny bit that I stay home all day working on books while he slaps on combat boots and goes out to defend the world each day (okay, so maybe duty in Hawaii isn't exactly defending the world, but hey). If I'm lucky enough to sell my stories, you can be sure I will have nothing but wonderful things to say about my employer, aka publisher, at least in a public forum such as this. I don't imagine every writer out there is happy with her publisher all the time, so I reserve the right to have a private snit should the time come. Ha!
Must get back to the book…..