Yeah, and that means I get to change my mind a million times. Or stand at the Taco Bell counter and try to figure out what I want while my husband taps his foot and tries to rush me because he knew what he wanted before we ever got there. So, I changed my template. The white was getting to be too white, too blah. Pink is so Romance. Who knows what I'll want next week. 🙂

RWA meeting today was good. Guest speaker was a no show. I don't know why. I shall have to suss out this mystery next week. Perhaps his assistant got confused. Perhaps he got confused. Who knows.

The good part was that we have three potential new members, and one visitor who finally decided to take the plunge and join. Of course they have to join National first, which can be a bit daunting for some folks. Still, I think the three today are good candidates.

Lunch after was a hoot. A lot of that had to do with my husband, the non-professional comedian. I dragged him along to swell the audience for our missing guest speaker, so lunch was going to be interesting no matter what. And he was right on cue with the hilarity. I have promised not to bring him again until our end-of-year luncheon in November. Ha!

Not much to say today. I have a headache, brought on by stress. I was pretty embarassed about the no-show since I am the one who is in charge of the speaker program. But, typical to the type of friends I've made over the years in RWA, everyone told me not to worry, it wasn't my fault, and heck we had fun anyway. I love these gals (and guy, since we do have one in our chapter!).
