Aug 7, 2008 | Conference |
Y'all, conference was a blast! I was busy from the moment I arrived to the moment I left. Appointments, meetings, running into friends, breakfasts, lunches, dinners, chat sessions in friends' rooms, etc. It was non-stop. I didn't sleep much, didn't eat as much as I probably should've, danced my tail off at the Harlequin party, and managed to contract a nasty cold somewhere along the way.
After staying an extra two days to see Chinatown, the Muir woods, Fisherman's Wharf, and the wineries in Sonoma, I boarded a plane for home. Everything went fine until the connection in Dallas. I sat on a plane for 45 minutes because a catering truck bumped the engine. Finally, the plane was declared unfit to fly and we had to go back to the waiting area. Ten minutes later, a new plane was found. After a 10 minute train ride to the International terminal, a 20 minute wait to board, and a short wait on the plane itself, we were on our way. I arrived home only an hour later than I was supposed to.
I've been sleeping most of the time since, so this post isn't likely to be too coherent. You'd probably like to hear about conference, though. The best part: being a Golden Heart finalist. The worst part: the lack of sleep. I got to a couple of workshops, but not as many as I would've liked. I had a couple of impromptu pitch sessions, which were fine, and my two appointments which both went very well.
One of the highlights of my conference was meeting my Harlequin editor, Sally Williamson. (I have pictures, but they must wait until I feel a bit better.) We spent two hours talking about all kinds of things, TSMR included, and I am so blessed to be working with her. She knows her stuff and she's going to whip me into shape before too much longer. 🙂 I have every confidence that I'll be a Presents author someday.
I think I've used up my allotted energy for the time being, so I'm ending this post and hope to be back with something for tomorrow. If you went to conference, what was the highlight for you? If you didn't go, did you get lots of writing done?
Aug 1, 2008 | Conference |
It's been a busy few days here in San Francisco! I've barely had a chance to breathe, much less find Internet access and check email or write a quick post for this blog. I've met lots of old friends, made new friends, had breakfast with my editor and discussed my book, and met my fellow Golden Heart Finalists, the Pixie Chicks. We have had so much fun together!
Tonight is the Harlequin Party! Later today I have a champagne reception for GH and RITA finalists. Tomorrow night is the big event, the GH and RITA awards. Honestly, it really truly is an honor just to be nominated. Winning would be icing on the cake, but the cake is still pretty damn tasty without the icing. If I don't win, I won't be disappointed. I've loved being a finalist and meeting the other finalists.
I've also met several Mills & Boon authors. Very awesome. Kate Walker is lovely, and Trish Wylie is so fun. The M&B editors have all been fabulous. Yes, I know this is short, but I have an event in a few minutes. Hope those of you who stayed home are getting lots of writing done. And lots of sleep. Both are very lacking for conference attendees, I assure you. 🙂
Hope to blog again soon….
Jul 28, 2008 | Conference |
This is it, the big week when 2k romance writers descend on a hotel and plot world domination. Well, maybe not world domination, but there will be plotting and there will be fun. There will probably be drama. There will be laughter, tears, and cheers. I wouldn't want to miss it for anything. 🙂
I'm taking my laptop, and I'll try to blog periodically. Can't promise daily updates. Can't even promise *any* updates. But I'll try. 🙂 If you're going to conference, say hi if you see me! I'd love to meet you.
I've got last minute packing to do, and I hope like heck I don't forget anything critical. I have a list. Shoe count at the moment: seven. I might add another pair…. 🙂
Jul 25, 2008 | Revising, Writing |

Determination and caffeine got me through this round of revisions. Oh, and a hubby who didn't mind going to get the takeout every night this week. And who actually did a load of laundry last night. And now, since in another hour I will have been awake 24 straight, I think I better go to bed. I'm too old for all-nighters….
Jul 21, 2008 | Revising, Writing |

more cat
Still revising, y'all. Someone throw me a rope before I drown…..
Hope to be back Wednesday or Thursday.