I can't tell you the number of stores I've gone to the past few days and found shopping carts all over the parking lot. What is wrong with people that they can't walk the darn thing the few feet it takes to get to the cart corral? I'm so fed up with lazy people unloading their carts and pushing the things between the vehicles and leaving them. I couldn't even park in one spot yesterday because it had become a de facto corral — and the corral wasn't full and wasn't far away.
Do people really not care if their cars get dinged with these runaway carts? Or do they feel that since they are leaving, their car isn't in danger? Of course there are legitimate excuses not to take the cart back — sometimes a person is sick or hurt and just wants to get in the car and go. It happens — but not to every blessed person at the store on the same day!
I always walk the cart to where it's supposed to be. I even walk carts into the store when I get out of my car and there's a stray cart perilously close by. I still have a huge dent in my door where some lovely person in Hawaii shoved a car door or a cart into it and then skedaddled. It's just a dent, not missing paint or anything, so I still haven't had it fixed (2 years later). But I think about it every time I see stray carts all over the parking lot. Irritates me.
So, it's the holiday season and I'm ranting. 🙂 But in this season of giving and goodwill toward others, why are people so rude about shopping carts? Why can't they return it? For most of us, there is no excuse.
What bugs you about shopping this time of year? Is the rampant outbreak of homeless carts merely an Alabama phenomenon, or is it happening in your corner of the world too?
You’re right – people are rude. I ended up having to replace a light a few years back because someone had puhsed a cart into my car rather than return it.
I loathe the crowds at this time of year – pushing, shoving and just general misery. I’ve done most of my Christmas shopping online.
Ooops, sorry about the typo. I meant ‘pushed’…
This is a favorite personal hate of mine! That and the abuse and subsequent whining. It’s as though people take it upon themselves to get particularly pissed off at this time of year because of lines etc and feel a great need to spread the abuse far and wide, and instead of letting it roll off our backs (which I agree is darn hard to do) our hands curl into fists and we barely resist the urge to topple them over the nearest counter on their fat fat heads lol.
My car has paint missing and more than one long scratch from the fabulous people pushing their trolleys where they won’t fit or from people who simply can’t be stuffed pushing the trolley a metre. Yesterday I actually watched a woman (carefully albeit but still stupid stupid stupidly) push a trolley in between my car and another and then get into her car on the other side of the parking lot I have no idea what logic that one was using. My conclusion: some people are stupidity challenged 🙂 (and they breed)
Merry Merry Merry Christmas
Go girl! I went into a large superstore that shall remain unnamed last week and there wasn’t a single cart to be had. That’s because they were strewn all over the parking lot.
Idiots! Lazy idiots! I’ve tried to support our local economy by shopping here in town but the crazy people have made me wish I’d done more online. And these idiots are usually the ones griping loudest about the economy.
Ron White has it right when he says “You can’t fix stupid.”