How about useful, interesting, or fun links for today's topic? I can be quite behind the times, so I just found some of these things. Leave a link in the comments! ๐Ÿ™‚

1. — shorten long links in email. Also, these never expire (so they say). How often have you pasted a long link into an email only to have it arrive broken on the other end? Or how many times have you received broken links and then have to do all sorts of weird copy+paste stuff to open the page? This useful thing prevents those kinds of problems.

2. Photo Stamps — want to turn the cute kid into a stamp? How about Fido or Fluffy? Go to this site and you'll soon be on your way to having personalized stamps.

3. Cure Writer's Block. A site with nifty links and some fun stuff.

4. Thank you notes. Seriously, this link tells you how to write them — and it was kind of interesting!

5. 50 Great Widgets for your blog.

6. Download and listen to books. Useful if you're traveling. There is a fee, but often you can sign up for a limited amount of time and get a free book or get half-price books as incentive. Cancel at any time. Great for those long flights coming up to San Francisco….

7. The Goth-O-Matic Poetry Generator. Okay, maybe not useful, but fun. ๐Ÿ™‚ Want to be dark and tortured and write poetry? Here's my effort, complete with brooding statue:

Night Ritual

Around, all around, the sinister creatures gather.
My dread grows as the angry hand of Heaven falls against my naked soul.
It slays me, and darkly my
essence drips
to the cold, uncaring tombstones.
In abject fear I cry out
while oblivion laughs cruelly.
Now alone, my cry of mercy falls upon uncaring eyes.

This is my doom