Thursday, I typed The End to THE SPANISH MAGNATE'S REVENGE. It was sometime Thursday evening, and I went downstairs doing the Rocky fists in the air thing. Hubby said, “So you finished?” 🙂
Nothing is better than the feeling you get when you finish a manuscript. But, the work is never over. Friday morning, I printed it out for the first complete read on paper. I knew I'd have to revise — that's part of the process for me — and I knew by Friday afternoon, I'd be depressed with what I had to do.
Friday afternoon, yep, I'm depressed, convinced I can't write and I'm going to embarrass myself by sending this manuscript to my editor. But I'm determined to get to work on it, of course. I will fix it, I will! It won't defeat me! I'm the writer, it's the creation. Yeah!
And then hubby comes home. He's a little late, but sometimes that happens and I didn't think much of it. Until he gave me a bag with two bottles of wine, a card, and a dozen roses. Awwwwww! I was so touched. He knew how much it meant to me to finish this book, and he was proud of me. *sniffle, sniffle*
I'm halfway through the revisions and feeling much better. But it all started with roses and a card (and wine!) from my sweetie. I enjoyed the flowers all weekend, the card is sitting with the congrats cards that my chaptermates sent for the GH and Presents contests, and the wine disappeared.
Being a writer can be a solitary business, but it's great to have the support of the ones you love. Even when they don't quite understand why you have a glazed look or why you didn't hear the question they asked you three times already. 🙂
Have you ever embarrassed your loved ones by saying something along the lines of, “So, if I kidnap the sister, how do I get the yacht to crash?” in a public place? Guilty as charged….
Well, sure, yeah. I say stuff like that out loud all the time.
Oh, wait, that’s Bob.
(And congrats, and prayers for plugging through the revisions!)
Good hubby. I’m glad to hear you’ve got a supportive one in your corner.
And I feel your pain on the revisions…
You mean not everyone has those conversations? (Remind me to tell you about the time I called DG out of a meeting at work to ask specific questions about the reactions of bits of male anatomy…)
Yes, Mark, I remember Bob well. 🙂 Thanks for the congrats! 🙂
PC, did he offer to come home and demonstrate? 🙂