If you still lament the exit of Miss Snark from the cyber world, maybe Jessica Faust over at Bookends LLC can soothe your wounded soul. Jessica is doing a perfecting your pitch critique that just started today. Unlike Miss Snark, she won't do 500 of them, but they are a great learning opportunity, especially when you see how downright pedestrian some entries can be. If you have a great story, but you don't know how to convey that in a pitch, how the heck will you ever get anybody to look at your work?
Edited to add: There are more query/pitch links here today on Diana Peterfreund's excellent blog. She even has a link to a site where paranormal authors are posting the queries that worked for them in getting their agent or selling their book. The actual queries, with comments by the author about why he or she wrote the query the way they did. Hmm, must be query season…. 🙂
Hey lady,
How’s it going? I’ve finally been able to get back online after one hellish week. Hope all is well with you.
Thanks for the links. I haven’t actually tried to pitch anything yet, so maybe when the time comes I’ll be able to rock. Need to finish something first, though 🙂
Sorry about your week, Tanya! Hope it’s going better and that you get some writing done. 🙂
Hey, Matt (finally realized that’s your name, lol). I hope you find those links useful. Based on that one story you were talking about on your blog, I think you’ll especially find the link on Diana’s blog useful. It’s for a community of writers who write sci-fi/fantasy, paranormal, etc. It features the queries that got them their agents. Very informative!