She nearly ruined his life. Now she needs him to save hers.

It was supposed to be a simple job for hacker Bliss Bennett: access confidential files and turn them over to the CIA. But something went wrong—and now Bliss has a target on her back. With no idea who to trust, she heads straight toward the one man she hopes won’t turn her away.

Sky “Hacker” Kelley is a badass Special Operator with lethal moves and mad computer skills. He hasn’t seen his former lover—former wife—in four years, not since she nearly cost him his military career. Her arrival on his doorstep in the middle of the night reveals a gut-deep truth—he might want nothing to do with her, but he still wants her. And as much as he’d love to slam the door in her face, Sky isn’t wired to turn away anyone in distress.

Protecting Bliss won’t be easy. The files she stole are at the heart of a dangerous conspiracy, and someone is willing to do whatever it takes—including kill—to get them back. It’ll take all Sky’s considerable black-ops skills to keep Bliss safe—and all his willpower to resist falling into her bed, and her life, ever again…

Read an Excerpt

Four years ago…

Get the goods and get out.

That was Bliss Bennett’s mantra. But as she rolled over in the night, her body satiated from lots of hot sex with the soldier lying next to her, she thought maybe spending a little extra time on this job wasn’t a bad idea.

She pushed the sheet down his body, letting her gaze explore the beauty of his long legs and lean muscles in the moonlight coming in through the window. Sky Kelley was a computer geek like her, but what a sexy geek he was. He worked at a special assignment in the Pentagon, attached to Major Michael Tucker’s network defense office. Sky was a hacker, but he was a good-guy hacker. It was his job to test the network for vulnerabilities.

And it was her job to find out what the major was hiding from his superiors. The people paying her really wanted access to Major Tucker’s personal computer. She aimed to give it to them—as discreetly as possible. But first she’d see what, if anything, she could get out of the delectable Sergeant Kelley.

She cuddled up to him, surprised at the sizzle of electricity zapping into her from the simple touch of skin on skin. Sleeping with him hadn’t been part of the plan—or at least not so soon—but when she’d made contact in the bar tonight, she’d been stunned almost speechless by the way her body responded to something as simple as his hand on her arm.

It was supposed to be easy. Get to know Sky Kelley. Get close to him. Get into Major Tucker’s house and hack his systems. She’d argued that picking up the major would be easier than going through a subordinate, but her bosses didn’t want it done that way. Tucker might get suspicious. His wife might get even more suspicious.

Bliss had budgeted for two weeks since the major was having a house party he’d invited his office staff to, but maybe she’d stick around for a while after the job was done. It couldn’t be bad if it went like this.

Sky made a noise in his sleep, then turned toward her and palmed her breast. Bliss melted as he came awake, mouth seeking a nipple, fingers trailing down her body to slide into the wet heat between her legs.

She pushed her fingers into his hair, arched her back as he sucked her nipple and tweaked her clit at the same time. Soon she was clinging to him as he rolled on a condom and pinned her to the bed, thrusting hard into her body, dragging the root of his cock against the sensitive nerves at the base of her clit again and again.

Her body splintered as her orgasm seized her. She gripped him tight and rode his hard length for all she was worth, dragging out the sensation as long as she could.

He chuckled in her ear. “Greedy. I like it.”

He took her over the edge two more times before he finally allowed himself to follow her, a groan tearing from his throat as he came. When he got up to dispose of the condom, she told herself that she should make an excuse to go. Because what if he tired of her after a night of sex and she couldn’t complete her job? She was risking a lot by not playing a little harder to get.

But he walked out of the bathroom, ab muscles taut and rippling, and her will just sort of died at the sight. Plus she had enough sensual tricks up her sleeve to keep him wanting more. Not that she had often deployed them—well, many of them not at all—but she understood what men liked because she’d seen just about everything on the internet at least once. That’s what a career in computer hacking did for a girl. It was surprising how much money adult entertainment sites would pay someone to test their vulnerabilities and tighten their security.

“You want to stay in bed or get dressed and go have breakfast?”

She dragged her mind from the abyss of adult entertainment—and the things she’d like to do to Sky Kelley—and focused on him. “It’s not even morning yet.”

“Does it matter?”

She thought about it. “No, I guess not.”

“So… Are you hungry?”

“After a night with you? Yes, I think so.”

“Then let’s go eat. Talk somewhere that we can’t have sex.”

She snorted. “Is that a challenge, soldier?”

“Do you want it to be?”

“Dunno. Might be fun to get it on in the IHOP parking lot.”

His gaze was hot. “Then I guess we’d better see how it goes, huh?”

Yes, perhaps they’d better.