Lynn’s Review Team is currently full, but please fill out the interest form to be placed on the waiting list! All fields are required.
Lynn sends out Advance Review Copies (ARCs) of her novels and audiobooks so her team can leave reviews on retailer and reader sites. Usually this happens before the book is released, but audiobooks are typically shared after release.
You may post reviews on Amazon (most helpful), Apple Books, Kobo, Barnes & Noble, Google Play, GoodReads, BookBub, and personal blogs and/or social media. For audiobooks, we prefer reviews on Audible, though we will take a look at reviews left elsewhere.
Please note that to be considered for the review team, you must include the web address of a review that you’ve done for any of Lynn’s books in the appropriate box below. You can usually find this by clicking on your review and copying the link in the search bar at the top of the page.
Thanks for your interest in joining the team!