Gawd, I love it when that happens! When the words just spill out and the pages are piling up and I don't even care if it's crap because I'll fix that later (I hope anyway). Friday was one of those days! I wasted too much time in the morning, as usual, hitting the blogs and loops. I also had to deal with a kitten (rapidly turning into a cat) who only that morning discovered that, yes, he could reach the countertops in the kitchen. Not good for me, because now I have to get up 100 times a day with the squirt bottle ready.

But after a couple (or four) hours of other stuff, I clicked on the WIP. I read for a little bit, edited here and there, and then plunged into the scene in progress. And the words actually came out! I didn't sit there staring, wondering what happens next. I didn't know what happens, but the characters were of a mind to tell me. Love that. Wish it happened every day.

Just started rereading Linda Seger's Creating Unforgettable Characters. It's been a few years since I read it and I'm really pleased at how fresh it seems, even though the movies she talks about are pretty old now. (Jeez, I saw “Gorillas in the Mist” in the theater; “Out of Africa” too.) I like to peruse my writing books from time to time, but I don't get hung up on them. (It's always fun to encounter a new writer who just read Self-Editing for Fiction Writers. It's a fabulous book, but a newbie can be a tad overzealous after reading it.) 😉

Other books to read: JAK's new one, of which I have a personalized copy. Yay! Allison Brennan's book is on my pile, still reading Wuthering Heights (had to force myself to put it down), and have a JoAnn Ross book here…..if only I could figure out how to do without sleep.

Hope to see some sunshine this weekend! It's been far too long without it. We had a few minutes today where the sun came out, and I could actually see blue sky out toward the ocean. It didn't last, but at least it didn't rain. I am sick of rain! Diamondhead is green instead of brown, so that's nice. That's about the only nice thing I can think of at the moment. 🙂

Hope you have a good, productive (or at least fun) and sunny weekend. 🙂